Author Topic: multi markets, multi triggers, getting individual selections...  (Read 7217 times)

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I have managed to develop a set of triggers for 3 separate strategy types. 1. Correct Score, 2. Match Odds (LTD) and 3. Half Time (LTD)

I can load up a profile for each of them, and it works well. BUT, I would really like to combine them into a single trigger set and be able to use just a single profile.

The trouble I am having is as follows...

I have a set of selections for each of the above strategies, I store the selections in a text file, and then, through market locator, I can then load...

1. Correct Score market containing the names in the CS text file - run them fine, each trigger only has to concentrate on Correct score, and does whats needed

2. Match Odds market containing the names in the LTD text file - run them fine, each trigger only has to concentrate on Match Odds, using index of 3, and does whats needed

3. Half Time market containing the names in the LTDHT text file - run them fine, each trigger only has to concentrate on Half Time, using index of 3, and does whats needed

Now, when I look to combine them, I want to be able to use the Correct Score market whose teams are in the CS text file only, I want to also use the Match odds market, whose teams are in the LTD text file only, and finally the Half Time market, whose teams are in the LTDHT text file only.

So, my attempt to try and do this has resulted in my first look, at the Correct Score triggers, where I set the selection based on the market_code = 6, and then, I want to add the criteria that the selection is contained in file CS.txt, but, that does not seem to be an option.

I want to be able to only use a selection within that file in the Correct Score market, but can't figure out how to get to that, because I can only have a further 'and' condition which is given as "and Markets Name contains ...." OR "and Markets Name is In File ....."

If I use this second option, then it will only be valid if the WHOLE market name is in this file, which includes "Football / English Football / League 2/ Fixtures 25 March / Crawley Town v Leyton Orient / Correct Score"

Whereas I just want the file to CONTAIN values in file

Crawley Town
Leyton Orient

(which is how I can select through the market selector, but I don't get this option in triggers)

And of course, this is not acceptable...

I cannot continue with this until I can get some help that will help me resolve this initial part, after which I can tackle the other triggers using values specific to that market...

If my request is possible, I may be missing a totally simple thing, but I just cant figure it out.

Can you help?



  • Moderator
  • Posts: 3675
market_parent will do it if you can change the format of the text file to:

"Crawley Town v Leyton Orient"
"Curzon Ashton v FC Utd Manchester"
"Deportivo Cali v Deportivo Pasto"

conditions for CS:
markets betting code is Correct Score (Soccer)
and selections trigger expression "market_parent" is in file...path to .txt
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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  • Posts: 314
Hi MarkV,

Many thanks, I will adjust my triggers.


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one more thing, MarkV,

do I include the speech marks, "market_parent" or do I just use market_parent  ?



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Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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hi MarkV,

Unfortunately, using "market_parent" did not produce as expected. If you look at the image attached, where I needed to retrieve "FC Ararat Yerevan II v Pyunik Yerevan FC II" from the "market_parent", the only value that this returns, is "Soccer / Armenian First League"

I did include this value in my text file, but, it looks like "market_parent" will not be able to match these values through values in the text file.

I have attached a couple of images - I am not asking for help constructing the trigger, I feel I am OK with that, but, as per the original question, I cannot just use "FC Ararat Yerevan II v Pyunik Yerevan FC II" as the query value, because the market_parent seems to be bringing back "Soccer / Armenian First League" and not what I need...



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I wonder if there are any functions/methods available such that I can query within the "market_name", to perhaps give me a substring within this value, matching those in the text file?



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  • Posts: 3675
can't see why that is in your screenshot, market_parent seems ok here, see attached.

You can use the FIND function, but not referencing data in a file:
selections trigger expression FIND("FC Ararat", "market_name") is greater than 0
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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hi MarkV,

Thanks for your response.

That is very strange, as you can see quite clearly from my screenshot, I had the "market_parent" as an item in View User Variables, and again, I have attached another Match Odds image, and again, this is showing "Soccer /U21 Internationals", whereas, I expect if you did the sam ething on yours, it would show "Denmark U21 v England U21"

I don't know how to get this to match the way yours shows it?

do you think my version of MFP is corrupted?

Can I have done something in settings to cause this? - I only turn confirmations off, nothing else really....

Any ideas? Should I contact the developers to ask them?

Thanks for the alternative suggestion, but I can't use that because I need to get the value from a file...



  • Moderator
  • Posts: 3675
I don't know what could be causing it, market_parent should be the name of the soccer match "Home v Away"
you could try a support request on the left menu, or perhaps someone will comment here

from the manual for ref:
The name of the parent category to which the market belongs. For example, for horse races which you added from today's card this variable will always return "Horse Racing - Todays Card". Several markets of the same football match (like "Match Odds" and "Total Goals") will share the same market_parent, for instance "Portsmouth v Sunderland".

You can tell what this variable will return from the full name of the market in the header of the market screen:

It's the text that comes just before the actual name of the market, between the forward slashes.
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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  • Posts: 314
hi All,

In case there is anybody interested, support have acknowledged there is a problem, and the problem occurs when you load matches through the market locator tool - and somehow the result shows a value that is contained in the market, but it seems to be the Football  / Level part..

Hopefully they can fix it soon..

Thanks for the Help MarkV.


Please note, BetFair is seems to be currently OFFLINE