Author Topic: Multiple bets even though trigger condition in place for 1 bet at a time  (Read 3038 times)

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  • Posts: 9
I have been running triggers in real mode with the following conditions in place, and still having multiple bets placed (but this does not occur frequently - only a couple of times per week per week - I run the trigger 24/7. It only occurs after a loss, not a win):
 Trigger Laying Number of runs is equal to 0 (with overall ticked)
or Previous Triggered Event's Status is Settled

I looked back through the logs but could not trace the issue. Once it occurred because the previous bet was only partially filled (i.e. layed $10, but only $7 matched). The subsequent bids split into two.

I added the following condition, but this did no solve the problem, but did decrease the frequency of the multiple bets occurring:
and Selections Trigger Expression allbets_num is equal to 0

would it not be better to have "and" instead of "or" (see trigger expression in first paragraph).

Also how important is the order of conditions that must be met?

  • Moderator
  • Posts: 3649
if you use and in that condition block, the trigger will never run, because there is no settled previous event
the first condition checks if the trigger has never run, and tells it to run
thereafter, the second condition checks for a previous settled event (for recovery).

try adding:
and selections lay matched is equal to 0
and selections lay unmatched is equal to 0

depending on your market refresh rate, you may need to increase the list of bets refresh rate

conditions are a filtering process, each subsequent condition is applied to the previous. trigger file is read from top downwards
in most cases, any order is ok, but here is an example for ordering for efficiency:
markets minutes before the off is less than 0.5                                          <--- this is the only condition that is checked until 30 secs before start
and selections back price is less than 2.00                                                 <--- this condition filters only odds-on selections
and selections trigger expression g_ticks(back_price,lay_price) is equal to 1 <--- this condition filters odds-on selections with lowest price spread
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