Author Topic: multiple bets when going 'real'  (Read 13300 times)

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multiple bets when going 'real'
« on: 23 Jun 2014, 14:09 »
I went live today but for some reason the back trigger fired multiple bets.
Fortunately they were all unmatched so I was able to cancel them.
I changed the Execute from no more than .1 sec to 4.0 sec that did reduce the number but still multiple bets were placed. I also checked the logs and market's unmatched bets equal 0 returned 'true' however that was incorrect.
Furthermore close block conditions are unmatched back and lay bets equal 0.
Where am I going wrong ?
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Re: multiple bets when going 'real'
« Reply #1 on: 23 Jun 2014, 14:40 »
I'm not sure if I have solved the problem but I had used a different profile and in Settings/Betting Options the Update bets individually for each market box was ticked so I unticked it and set real bets on again and touch wood the bets placed (unmatched) are single.
Is there anything else I need to check?
many thanks
My grandma taught me not to run downstairs and never back odds on.

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Re: multiple bets when going 'real'
« Reply #2 on: 23 Jun 2014, 15:25 »
still occasionally two bets being triggered
darn it
My grandma taught me not to run downstairs and never back odds on.

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Re: multiple bets when going 'real'
« Reply #3 on: 23 Jun 2014, 21:20 »
That's difficult to tell without seeing the context of your block of triggers. From what you say it appears you have a repeating betting trigger within a repeating block? Ideally you want all the triggers in the block to execute once per market or once per selection. Then the close block trigger will control repetition of the sequence of triggers.

I am also thinking you might have a greenup and / or distribute loss in the trigger block? Here are example conditions for a close block trigger for this:
every selections back unmatched is equal to 0
and every selections lay unmatched is equal to 0
and every selections trigger expression ABS(back_payout-lay_payout) is less than 0.1

Update list of bets frequency should be faster than the block / trigger repetition rate.
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Re: multiple bets when going 'real'
« Reply #4 on: 23 Jun 2014, 23:28 »
Hi Mark,
There is only one trigger. It is a back one.
the settings are
All matching selections
All except settled
no more often than 4 sec (I changed it from .1 and the trigger fired less)
I don't understand why it worked perfectly in test mode then fired multiple times in real mode.
The idea is to fire only once and fire again if there is a fav change. However it often fires twice within a couple of seconds from each other, same selection.
the unmatched back bets equal 0 seems to be ignored when it slips on another bet.
I had a wild guess it may be something to do with the execute setting.
Any clearer?
My grandma taught me not to run downstairs and never back odds on.

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Re: multiple bets when going 'real'
« Reply #5 on: 24 Jun 2014, 08:37 »
There is always a (variable) latency in real mode.
It is still difficult to tell without seeing the trigger file.
Really same as I asked earlier, do you have a repeating backing trigger within a repeating trigger block? If so the backing trigger needs to be once per selection or once per market, and the block repetition will be controlled by the close block trigger conditions.

Basically what is required is the backing trigger needs to have an updated list of bets before it is repeated again.

To try an emulate real mode better in test mode there is a setting:
settings > test mode > betting > delay placing and cancelling test bets by x sec.

I have mine set around 0.4 sec.

I think this example trigger could be similar to yours. Here the betting trigger is repeated, but the block is not.
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Re: multiple bets when going 'real'
« Reply #6 on: 24 Jun 2014, 10:49 »
Hi Mark,
yes, that is the trigger that was designed for me sometime back.
I have at some time added a close block trigger when I had other triggers added. However since, I have removed the other triggers and forgot to remove the close block one. Maybe that is causing duplication. However I still don't see why it does it in real mode and not in test mode. Could it still be the variance latency you alluded to ?
I've disabled the close block and will retry today
My grandma taught me not to run downstairs and never back odds on.

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Re: multiple bets when going 'real'
« Reply #7 on: 24 Jun 2014, 12:12 »
Hi Mark,
I don't understand why back bets are triggered when the following condition is applied
and Market's unmatched back bets equal 0
Why are there more back bets fired ? especially considering they are on the same selection.
I've tried changing the Execute from no more than 0.1 to several settings up to 4.0
all to no avail.
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Re: multiple bets when going 'real'
« Reply #8 on: 24 Jun 2014, 18:05 »
what have you set the update list of bets,in the betting options.

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Re: multiple bets when going 'real'
« Reply #9 on: 24 Jun 2014, 19:17 »
Hi mcbee,
every 3 seconds
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Re: multiple bets when going 'real'
« Reply #10 on: 24 Jun 2014, 20:22 »
I've just noticed the trigger 'logged' box was not ticked.
could this cause bets not to be remembered ? thus
placing an extra bet or two ?
My grandma taught me not to run downstairs and never back odds on.

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Re: multiple bets when going 'real'
« Reply #11 on: 24 Jun 2014, 22:08 »
Trigger logging being on or off should not affect any triggers or conditions.

The problem is occurring because sometimes the trigger is not getting an updated list of bets before the next repetition.

In the original trigger there is a condition which checks the selection's sel_id against a remembered sel_id. This is retained in memory and is available immediately on the next repetition of the trigger. There is no condition for checking bets.

In your current trigger you need an updated list of bets to check
markets number of unmatched back bets is equal to 0
and sometimes this is does not arrive before the next trigger repetition.

you can add the following conditions:
and selections number of unmatched back bets is equal to 0
and selections back unmatched is equal to o

but they all need an updated list of bets to be accurate.

Given you are happy to repeat at 4secs, I suggest making the trigger execute once per selection or once per market, in a trigger block that repeats at 4secs, with a close block trigger containing the conditions:
every selections number of unmatched back bets is equal to 0
and every selections back unmatched is equal to 0

The list of bets update should be 3 seconds or faster.
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Re: multiple bets when going 'real'
« Reply #12 on: 24 Jun 2014, 23:36 »
Hi Mark,
Thank you kindly for a very detailed bullet proof remedy.
With all these conditions I will be surprised if any erroneous
bets slip through the cracks.
Just confirming, I do have the condition with the appropriate action:
and Selection's trigger expression sel_id is not equal to lastfav_market_id_sel_id
I have re enabled the close block and wasn't clear about your instruction in your last paragraph concerning 4 sec and to which trigger it applied (next or close)
here's what I interpreted
set trigger execute to once per market
set close block execute to no more often than 4.0 sec
settings/betting options update list of bets every 3.0 seconds
Please advise if any errors in my understanding.
Many thanks once again
My grandma taught me not to run downstairs and never back odds on.

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Re: multiple bets when going 'real'
« Reply #13 on: 25 Jun 2014, 08:06 »
I wouldn't say bullet proof, but I think worth a try. Please test first in test mode and if that works then low stakes real.

trigger block to repeat at 4secs
betting trigger to execute once per market
close block trigger to execute once per market

update list of bets 3secs or faster
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Re: multiple bets when going 'real'
« Reply #14 on: 25 Jun 2014, 08:27 »
Thanks Mark, all clear now and will test today
My grandma taught me not to run downstairs and never back odds on.


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