Author Topic: Multiple systems means multiple trigers ?  (Read 10208 times)

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Multiple systems means multiple trigers ?
« on: 09 May 2015, 11:09 »
Hello, im a new member of this amazing bot. I have some q for you guys if you can help me.

I have  6 systems for betting on horses. They are based on odds filtering. 3 are back and 3 are lay.

I found out how to create a trigger for each system, i create 6 different text files where i will paste the names for horses for each system.

So far so good for now.

My concern is , can i run all these 6 triggers with one marketfeeder open or i should open 6 marketfeeders and run 1 trigger

And a final question. Is any way my triggers run automatically in all races per day, or i have to select one race per time ?

Thank you for your time !!

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Re: Multiple systems means multiple trigers ?
« Reply #1 on: 09 May 2015, 11:29 »
Hello and welcome!

My concern is , can i run all these 6 triggers with one marketfeeder open or i should open 6 marketfeeders and run 1 trigger

That depends on whether your triggers will interfere, or rather whether the bets they are placing can influence the logic of your triggers. If they do nothing more than check the prices and place the bets, that's fine, you need only one instance of MF Pro and you can combine your triggers in a single file and run them all at once.
But if your triggers are based on the matched / unmatched bets you placed in the market, i.e. "lay if there is at least one back matched bet on horse X", then you can't run those triggers simultaneously in the same market as obviously they will interfere with each other's bets. In that case you can't do it even with multiple instances of MF Pro, because all of them will share the same account.

And a final question. Is any way my triggers run automatically in all races per day, or i have to select one race per time ?

Of course not. You can load all races using Market Locator. There are default templates there for UK and AUS races, but you can add more conditions to them to refine your search. If you are confident enough with your template, you can run the scheduled market search (see Monitoring Options) and have the markets added automatically.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: Multiple systems means multiple trigers ?
« Reply #2 on: 09 May 2015, 12:03 »
Yes and yes ! thanks !!! awesome :)

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Re: Multiple systems means multiple trigers ?
« Reply #3 on: 09 May 2015, 15:20 »
i just faced one issue i think.

As i said, i have created 6 txt files. i created one trigger with 6 blocks with some conditions about price. So the trigger for 1 block (system) check the txt file if there is the name of the horse and then check the odds if they are higher or lower than some specific odds.

I just now noticed that in triggers window there is a message this trigger executed once and they are with red letters.

i think that is not good

Any tip ? i think that i missed something.

thanks again for your time

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Re: Multiple systems means multiple trigers ?
« Reply #4 on: 09 May 2015, 21:20 »
On the trigger file, change the execution of the trigger to "Once per Selection" and save.

This will fire the trigger on each selection that also meets your requirements.

test it first


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Re: Multiple systems means multiple trigers ?
« Reply #5 on: 11 May 2015, 19:03 »
I just now noticed that in triggers window there is a message this trigger executed once and they are with red letters.

Maroon rather than red? That's not something you should worry about: it just lets you know the trigger has been executed. Before it has, the message there notifies you of the most probable reason why it can't be executed at the moment.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: Multiple systems means multiple trigers ?
« Reply #6 on: 12 May 2015, 14:22 »
Hi guys thanks for your help can you take a look my trigger and let me know if this working and what i have to do to improve it.

Generally i want 1 min before the race start to check in the files for specific horses and then lay or back on specific prices.

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Re: Multiple systems means multiple trigers ?
« Reply #7 on: 12 May 2015, 14:48 »

You dont need the condition "Markets Inplay mode is not supported". That has the effect of knocking out all the Uk/Ire races, unless that is what you intended to do.

Change all the bets to Match @ Sp instead of Cancel if you need your bets to be matched either before or on the off. Change some of your bet triggers that you want matched inrunning to be Kept instead of cancel ie the lower lays.

The last trigger has no function at all, you may have deleted the action.

I would add in a Constant for time to the off (toff) at 0.48 (30secs) and replace the other time conditions with

And Markets Minutes before the off is less than toff.

Change All markets to the specific market you want to bet in eg idleorsuspended or inplay

Thats all I can see

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Re: Multiple systems means multiple trigers ?
« Reply #8 on: 12 May 2015, 15:11 »
Thank you for your reply !

I did almost everything you said. I want to cancel the bet if the odds are higher so i have to keep it in Cancel ?

Can you take a look and let me know if i did another mistake ?

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Re: Multiple systems means multiple trigers ?
« Reply #9 on: 12 May 2015, 15:18 »
I want to cancel the bet if the odds are higher so i have to keep it in Cancel ?

Your trigger conditions should be set up to place the bet only if within your odds range. If that happens and the bet is fired, it may miss the price you want. So the bet will be unmatched. Now you have to decide what  you want: do you want to keep the bet open and try to match it inplay/inrunning OR do you want to cancel the bet at the off OR do you want to match the bet at SP.

Whichever option you want, change the action command to that instruction.

You need to test run the trigger on some races today and see how its performing on test mode.

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Re: Multiple systems means multiple trigers ?
« Reply #10 on: 12 May 2015, 16:39 »
I want to Cancel the bet IF the horses from my selections, are not in the ranges that i have define. I dont want to take the SP or in play.

In that case i have to leave it as "Cancel" right ? If i choose the "Take SP" and the SP is out of the range, this means that whatever are the condition (for the odds) the bet will be fired ?

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Re: Multiple systems means multiple trigers ?
« Reply #11 on: 12 May 2015, 17:17 »
Sadly it doesnt seem that is working . ffor instance for this race i got this error :

17:08:56   Checking market "Horse Racing / IRE / Lim 12th May / 17:00 Lim 12th May 2m INHF".
17:08:56   Checking condition and Market's Minutes Before the Off is less than toff.
17:08:56   Condition is: TRUE. valid for 18 selections: Good Thyne Tara, Goodbloodbadblood, Howayadoing, Unas Pleasure, Ten Times Better, Joint Reaction, Thinklike A Shrink, Isnt Dat Right, Shesournightmare, Siberian Vixen, Cailin Ard, Moonlight Whispers, All In The Head, Kelly Green, Robbina, Robyn Darcy, One Cool Robin, Our Alana.
17:08:56   Checking condition and Selection's Lay Price is greater than 1.01.
17:08:56   Condition is: FALSE.
17:08:56   Remaining conditions in the block will not be checked.

the lay price is greater ofc than 1.01 but the condition was false ?!? Why this happened

I attached the modified file again. If anyone can help me to finalise it finally please :/ i bought 1 year licence and i cant do a simple trigger . :/

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Re: Multiple systems means multiple trigers ?
« Reply #12 on: 12 May 2015, 18:55 »

I want to Cancel the bet IF the horses from my selections, are not in the ranges that i have define. I dont want to take the SP or in play.

In that case i have to leave it as "Cancel" right ? If i choose the "Take SP" and the SP is out of the range, this means that whatever are the condition (for the odds) the bet will be fired ?

Leave it at cancel. The bet will only fire if the conditions are met. Its only IF the bet misses the price that the option to KEEP CANCEL TAKE SP comes into effect to decide what to do with the unmatched bet.

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Re: Multiple systems means multiple trigers ?
« Reply #13 on: 12 May 2015, 19:04 »
Why my bet didnt placed before ? on my previous post ?

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Re: Multiple systems means multiple trigers ?
« Reply #14 on: 12 May 2015, 19:43 »

See attached,

In order to test, I had to delete the condition referring to the name in file. You can replace that in each of the triggers.

I tidied up the block name titles, it is much easier to read now, except for the last two triggers which have back and lay names?.

I deleted some unnecessary conditions like selections lay price is greater than 1.01( before the off no selections price will be 1.01 or less)

The triggers worked fine after all that.  There could be many reasons why the lay did not fire but the reading you supplied is from a time after the race.

see attached


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