Author Topic: need this trigger  (Read 3475 times)

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need this trigger
« on: 01 Oct 2020, 10:11 »
Hi I would like a trigger which will check odds of all horses in a race 20 sec before a race starts and it will note the price of the fav this must be over 1.5 at start .it will also note which are the 1s 2nd and 3rd fav as it will not bet on any of these  now when the race goes into play we need to compare which horses are drifting in play from the starting odds  after the race has ran 70% of its distance we need to lay two of less drifters in the race 
at a liabilty stake this would be a constant and at a price range which I can change I would like to have a odds min that the drifter hourses have moved out if this can be done and also a max odds the fav hourse must be before the lay bets are places in play  

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Re: need this trigger
« Reply #1 on: 06 Oct 2020, 21:29 »

after the race has ran 70% of its distance
As there is no precise prediction of what the actual duration of a race will be and as the BetFair API does not provide the information on the distance run by the horses at any given moment, we can offer only approximate, statistics-based data, such as in this trigger example:

This is available for UK races only.

Based on this, would you like to change your trigger request?

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  • Administrator
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Re: need this trigger
« Reply #2 on: 23 Oct 2020, 13:26 »

Since you have not responded, I have replaced the condition for a percentage of race with two other settings. You can choose when to place the bets (seconds since the off) and the minimum drift in price.

Please see your triggers attached.

Use the constants to adjust the trigger settings.

Make sure to test the triggers in Test Mode.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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