  • #1 by peucosta on 06 Dec 2016
  • Gostaria de um trigger, que entrasse com lay ao over 0.5ht ou over 1.5 ft, e quando chegar no lucro de 10% da stack ou aos 15 min de jogo ele fechasse.

    I would like a trigger, to enter with lay over 0.5ht or over 1.5ft, and when it reaches the profit of 10% of the stack or at 15 min of game it closes.
  • #2 by Oxa (WellDoneSoft) on 07 Dec 2016
  • Hello!

    Please see your triggers attached. Use the constants inside the file to adjust your triggers. Pay attention to the mkt_type constant: it is needed to choose the market you want to bet in.

    To add the markets of your choice, use Market Locator.

    Don't forget to test the triggers in Test Mode.