Author Topic: Is in File - file format  (Read 3440 times)

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Is in File - file format
« on: 26 Nov 2019, 16:10 »

Setting up my first few triggers from scratch and I'm scraping relevant data from a couple of websites. One of these is Beaten Favourite LTO.
I've been through the manual and forum and can't find a reference to the file format required. Do I need a csv or column of horse names for this to work or can I just copy the entire web page to a text file and the Is in File condition will pick it up, as long as the string exists somewhere ?
I can reformat the text if required but will save some work if I don't need to.

Also, what if the horse name in MF Pro has spaces in it ? Will it pattern match in the file correctly ? I'm trying to only lay if Selections name is Not in File

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Re: Is in File - file format
« Reply #1 on: 26 Nov 2019, 18:53 »
Found an entry in the manual re each selection name per row in the file so think I've solved that one. Will adjust my scraped output

Would still like to know about spaces in selection names though...

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Re: Is in File - file format
« Reply #2 on: 26 Nov 2019, 20:12 »
The text file selection names should be in "quotation marks", example below for football but applies to all selection names, and the spelling must be exactly as on Betfair.

"Atletico PR"
"Orlando City"
"FC Cincinnati"

and the condition:
selections trigger expression "sel_name" is not in file 
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Re: Is in File - file format
« Reply #3 on: 26 Nov 2019, 20:30 »
The text file selection names should be in "quotation marks", example below for football but applies to all selection names, and the spelling must be exactly as on Betfair.

"Atletico PR"
"Orlando City"
"FC Cincinnati"

and the condition:
selections trigger expression "sel_name" is not in file
Thats great, thanks Mark. Will make the adjustment
I assume the "re-read file" tick box means the file will be re-read each time the condtion is assessed, as opposed to reading once and holding in memory ? So I can update it dynamically ?

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Re: Is in File - file format
« Reply #4 on: 26 Nov 2019, 20:42 »
yes that is correct
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