Author Topic: Number of runs explanation  (Read 2942 times)

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Number of runs explanation
« on: 03 May 2014, 12:49 »

I wish to have a clearer understanding of the "Number of Runs" condition.
Is the so called "RUN" defined as both a) the period till first closing of the block (when program first loads) and  b) The period between the closing of the previous block and the closing of the next block?  If that is correct.
Then the next part of my question does "Number of Runs >0"  mean selected trigger
needs to only fire at least ONCE on any selection for condition to be met?
And does "Number of Runs per selection" mean that the selected trigger must have fired for all selection for condition to be met ?
Or do I need to select "overall" for it to only fire once ?

I am trying to set so the trigger fires only once per event. or market as we call it.
Can you help with the definition and advise how to set as above
My grandma taught me not to run downstairs and never back odds on.

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Re: Number of runs explanation
« Reply #1 on: 03 May 2014, 14:42 »
For your needs it is perfectly enough to set the triggers "Execute" field to "once per market". There is no need to check any additional conditions, the trigger will fire once and will cover the selections that satisfy its conditions.

However, in response to your question, a "run" is an execution of a trigger on at least one selection in the market.


Trigger's {trigger name} Number of runs is greater than 0

Means that the trigger has fired at least once in this market and has affected at least one selection from this market.


Trigger's {trigger name} Number of runs per selection is greater than 0

Means that this trigger has affected this particular selection that the condition is being checked for. In fact it acts as a filter. If you're checking this condition for all the field, it will let through only the ones that have been affected by the trigger.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: Number of runs explanation
« Reply #2 on: 03 May 2014, 18:08 »
Thanks Oxa,
I will study and try and make sense of it
My grandma taught me not to run downstairs and never back odds on.


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