Author Topic: Only stop profit for a trigger  (Read 2320 times)

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Only stop profit for a trigger
« on: 05 Aug 2019, 12:14 »
How it is possible to implement a stop profit for a trigger without a stop loss for the day? So If I have a bank 100$ and I want triggers to stop when the bank reaches 120$ but I don't care how much it will loose. I've seen an example with stop loss and stop profit in one but not sure that it will work.

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Re: Only stop profit for a trigger
« Reply #1 on: 07 Aug 2019, 20:20 »
you may be referring to this trigger ?
set the target_profit in the constants to 20 (20% profit on starting bank)
set the max_loss constant to 100

another way is in settings:
betting options > banking > stop automated betting when the total bank has reached x.xx

PLEASE test these in test mode first.
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