Author Topic: Over/Under Martingale monitor markets when needed  (Read 4106 times)

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On this trigger, is there a way to start monitoring the next Over/Under market only when its really needed i.e. when a goal is scored? Example:

Score 0-0 then only monitor the Over/Under 0.5
Goal is scored then start monitoring the Over/Under 1.5 and therefore place the new lay bet.

Reason am asking is because if you want to run this trigger on a number of games (lets say 4) going on at the same time it would mean 4 X 8 markets (each over/under for each game) monitored at the same time. That could possibly cause Betfair fees and also I would assume it would stress the PC itself.



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Re: Over/Under Martingale monitor markets when needed
« Reply #1 on: 27 Oct 2013, 14:55 »
It is not possible to start monitoring a market based on the score.
What you can do however is to adjust the refresh rate of a market after a goal.

As an example, the attached trigger will set the refresh rate of the OU1.5 market to 45 secs after the first goal. You can add similar for the other markets.

Also, you do not need a high refresh rate for the OU martingale trigger, because the market needs to settle after a goal anyway. I suggest around 90secs for the markets not in the current score range and say 45secs for the current OU market should be fine.
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Re: Over/Under Martingale monitor markets when needed
« Reply #2 on: 27 Oct 2013, 15:07 »

I will take your suggestion and test this over the next couple of days.




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