Hello everyone
I have a trigger in mind that I'd really appreciate getting some assistance with.
I'm looking to do this strategy with races with high amount of horses, 11 and above. First of all, i'm looking to lay the first horse that reaches odds of 1.76 for £50. At the same time, i'd like to lay every other horse in the race no matter what their odds are, for the same amount of liability as the first lay stake e.g horse in 2nd position is at odds of 3.6, lay £19.23 which has liability of £50 etc.
If all other horses are layed at £50 liability, I'm hoping which ever horse in first place loses so I'll win whatever money is left paying off winners liability.
Hope that makes sense! I have a spreadsheet of this, but haven't a clue how to automate it.
Not sure if this overcomplicates things, but I was thinking of how to further reduce risk/liability, and was thinking what do you think sounds better, greening up if a profit of say, £4.00 is reached, or if another horse reaches odds of 1.8 or lower, lay it again for an amount of £10, making the bet minimal loss or small win whatever the result?
Thank you so much for your help, its very much appreciated, hope I explained that correctly!