Please make me a trigger for horse races (no scores at them

- minute before the off to place bets (ex. 0.5 minute)
- minimum pre off winning percent (ex. 20%)
- minimum in play winning percent (ex. 10%)
- maximum selection percent for back dutching (ex. I want to obtain 20% winnings from back dutching a maximum of 60% from the total number of selections) If this is not possible skip the race.
- percent of bank used for staking (ex. 1%)
- percent of increase of initial bank when stop betting (ex. 2.5%)
- percent of decrease of initial bank when stop betting (ex. -5%)
The trigger will back dutching the maximum percent of
most traded volumes selections before the off. (ex. back dutching maximum 60% of runners for at least 20% winnings)
At In play trade out if it is possible to have minimum set winning percent (ex. trade out for at least 10% winnings of the initial stake)
Thank you