Author Topic: Possible trigger expressions for break and holds of serve in tennis  (Read 3535 times)

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  • Posts: 151

I'm looking to include some score information in my tennis triggers and wondered if a break of serve and a hold of serve can be identified using trigger expressions.

Any ideas appreciated

  • All members
  • Posts: 151
Also, can anyone tell me how reliable the score service is within MFPro. Noticed last night's first round AUS Open matches didn't have the scores available so any triggers with a score variable included won't work.

If it's hit and miss it may not be worth my time to develop something. 

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  • Posts: 906
Score information can be included in triggers and it would be possible to identify a break or hold of serve.  If you are familiar with trigger expressions then have a look at a recent trigger posted on the website that includes such an identification:

Scoring info is not available for every match, but seems to be reliable for those matches where it is available.  Generally the matches with higher volumes matched will have score info.   It should be possible to delete any matches where the score info is not displayed.


Please note, BetFair is seems to be currently OFFLINE