Author Topic: Problems with "sel_place" and "winner_name" - Possible bug?  (Read 8784 times)

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I’m experiencing strange triggerproblems with the variables: “sel_place” and “winner_name”

In time machine connected to excel, monitoring the markets using the above variables, there’s no problems as long I’m not making any bets at the same time. Somehow, if my trigger also places bets, the “sel_place” variable only returns zero’s and the “winner_name” variable remain blank?
I’ve made a trigger to expose the problem: As long the third trigger block “Test 3” is NOT enabled, everything works fine. But if I enable the block, the problem arises.

What’s going on?

Any sort of help is much appreciated. Thanks a lot in advance!
Kind regards

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No help to be found? Suppose the problem is genuine then. Sincerely hope some sort of solution exist.

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Sorry, I did not post right back, but I need time to look into it. I'll update you as soon as I have anything.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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No problem, and thanks for letting me know. Looking forward to your response.

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The behaviour is different because when there are bets to settle, the trigger in the settled market is called twice - first when the bets are being settled, second - when the winner has been determined. Use a condition to prevent the trigger from being executed if the winner's name is blank. See the fixed triggers attached.

I admit that there is nothing on this in the manual, will add relevant info.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Brilliant! Thanks for great support

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By avoiding the trigger being executed if the winners name is blank works perfectly in time machine mode. However, in real mode (UK horses) I’m still struggling with the variables “sel_place” and “winner_name” – using the above condition, the trigger seems never to be executed? Any differences between real mode and time machine mode I should be aware off? Or even better, do you have an explicit solution to call the above variables in real mode while executing real bets in UK horseraces? Thanks in advance!

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It’s a bit of a mystery to me: Running the trigger on US horses in real mode, everything works fine. Could it have something to do with markets going in live mode?

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Hmmm, I can see where the problem is. I'm gonna make some tweaks to the code to provide for certain situations, like the one you described. Stay with me here, will update you as soon as the new code is available.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Sounds good! Any progress with the codefix? Or should I wait until the next update of MFPro?

Kind regards

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Just letting you know that the issue has been fixed in the latest update Recommended redownloading and reinstalling.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Perfect, thanks a lot!


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