Author Topic: Question  (Read 2233 times)

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« on: 05 May 2017, 15:41 »
I'm playing with "Greening up on multiple positions with a target profit" trigger, and i can't understeand this condition:
"and Selection's Trigger Expression sel_id % 2 is equal to 0"

I understeand this is the randomize function, but i can't see what it exactly does.
It doesn't look for the 2nd number to be 0, and it doens't look for 0 in the entire id

What does "% 2" mean?

And as a side question
On some races, it returns true for say 7 selections, so it doens't bet at all since this condition is false (max bets set at 5):
"and Selection's Trigger Expression matching_number is between 1 and max_bet_num"

How can i make it to, in that case, back the first 3 selections? So it activates the random lay trigger, with still 2 bets to make

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Re: Question
« Reply #1 on: 06 May 2017, 20:22 »
Good question. It is modulus or remainder. The help file describes as:
% modulus or remainder. For example, 5 % 4 = 1, 36 % 6=0, 23 % 7 = 2

so the idea in the trigger is to randomise whether to back or lay the selection according to the remainder or modulus of selections ID (sel_id)

the attached screenshot shows how it works
there is a selections id. this number is divided by 2, and there is no remainder (it divides equally into 2) so it returns 0

and selections trigger expression sel_id % 2 is equal to 0
therefore this selection will have a back bet not a lay bet

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Re: Question
« Reply #2 on: 10 May 2017, 00:29 »
Thank you very much. I understand now how it works


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