Author Topic: Resetting total_won  (Read 2025 times)

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Resetting total_won
« on: 29 Jul 2016, 17:35 »

I'm wanting to reset the total_won value whenever it reaches a positive figure above X.

I have tried "reset win/lose history" when the Global Total Won/Lost amount is above X.  That works fine. But then because under options I have it refreshing the total/won every 30 seconds it soon returns the figure to the actual amount!

Basically, I want to use the total_won amount when it's a negative to influence future bet values.

Is there another way to do this?


  • Moderator
  • Posts: 3631
Re: Resetting total_won
« Reply #1 on: 29 Jul 2016, 18:48 »
Try this: 2 triggers:
set user variable, e.g. name: neg_tw, globally
value: total_won
selections: fav
once per market
status: settled
condition: global total won/lost amount is less than 0 (or your positive figure above x)

set user variable, name: neg_tw, globally
value: 0
selections: fav
once per market
status: settled
condition: global total won/lost amount is greater than 0 (or your positive figure above x)

in your triggers use neg_tw in place of total_won

you need to retain the last settled market in My Markets (don't delete all settled markets)

so this should reset neg_tw to 0 if your total_won is above x
else neg_tw = total_won

Please use test mode when trying it out. 

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