Author Topic: Re-Set Counter Each Day  (Read 4519 times)

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Re-Set Counter Each Day
« on: 20 Nov 2019, 06:33 »
I have a trigger working, that counts the number of bets and stops after a set figure. So today it will count to three successfully placed bets and stop.
My question is, so that I do not lose loss and profit positions, can the counter trigger be set back to zero at end of the day, automatically every day say midnight or anytime I wish?

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Re: Re-Set Counter Each Day
« Reply #1 on: 20 Nov 2019, 16:40 »
I wish.... was trying to do something very similar once... and it was very fiddly and unreliable...

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Re: Re-Set Counter Each Day
« Reply #2 on: 20 Nov 2019, 17:06 »
I was thinking along lines of using today's date number as a variable, today is 43789, adding one to it after the bet sequence is finished. Then a condition to make sure the number equates to correct date.
Needs someone better at this than me

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Re: Re-Set Counter Each Day
« Reply #3 on: 22 Nov 2019, 15:01 »
Just put this trigger in. So it should reset the variable counter bet_cntr to 0 at midnight. It's not in a new block that is just so I can post it here, it's just an added trigger.
Anybody any input welcome

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Re: Re-Set Counter Each Day
« Reply #4 on: 22 Nov 2019, 19:16 »
You must have at least one monitoring market at this time.

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Re: Re-Set Counter Each Day
« Reply #5 on: 25 Nov 2019, 16:54 »
Just about sorted it. I have used the trigger as shown.
To my back triggers I have added condition markets name does not include (US) just in case.
I have added US racing to my Market Locator profile.
I have changed the automatic load of markets to 10:30.
Then I delete all US markets except ones between my time parameters.
Long way round but seems to work all I need do is delete US markets and it does not matter if I forget.
Then like today when my last bet was a loser that will be carried forward to tomorrow.


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