Author Topic: referencing and setting values in EXCEL  (Read 3198 times)

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referencing and setting values in EXCEL
« on: 23 Jul 2021, 15:26 »
Hi, I have setup excel in my profile, and I use a single sheet to add/update values, at market settle.

I am trying to show the profit/loss made at each step, and I wish to write this to a new row cell every time the market settles.

So, for example, the first bet wins £2, I wish to place this at Cell C2, next bet loses, I now wish to place that value in cell C3

I have set a count cell elsewhere, at H2, which indicates =SUMPRODUCT(MAX((C2:C20000 <>"")*ROW(C2:C20000))) + 1, which, in short gives me the last empty row/cell. I wish to use this in my logging trigger, and I use a 'write to excel' action in the trigger, and have attempted to give the Cell Address as data!C + cell_data_H2, but of course this is not working.

I am not sure of the syntax of doing this as the documentation is very limited on excel

Any help is appreciated


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Re: referencing and setting values in EXCEL
« Reply #1 on: 23 Jul 2021, 16:05 »
This trigger demonstrates how to write data to consecutive Excel rows with a trigger. Should be easily modified for your purpose.   
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Re: referencing and setting values in EXCEL
« Reply #2 on: 23 Jul 2021, 16:22 »
Thanks MarkV, perfect!

to reference the Cell Address : data!C(cell_data_H2)
if wanting to read/use the data : cell_data_C(cell_data_H2)

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Re: referencing and setting values in EXCEL
« Reply #3 on: 23 Jul 2021, 16:39 »
an even easier way to write to consecutive rows:
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