Author Topic: Registering a goal as a loss/delete market  (Read 3902 times)

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Registering a goal as a loss/delete market
« on: 07 Mar 2016, 18:01 »

I had a look around didn't see something relating to this exact subject matter so I thought I would take a punt on the wisdom of the forum.

If one is laying in correct score market, is there an expression that can be used to register bets made as losses and for the market to be deleted with those losses recorded

For example you have dutch backed various scores but are waiting for a price on one score to reach a certain level, but alas a goal is scored. You want to move onto the next available market as quickly as possible but want to carry the losses forward and settle and delete those markets immediately. When the trigger finds another suitable correct score market, it will carry the losses forward and add it to the total of the overall dutch.

Any help/ideas most welcome.


O In

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Re: Registering a goal as a loss/delete market
« Reply #1 on: 07 Mar 2016, 20:00 »
In Test Mode you can use a trigger to settle a market, but otherwise the market will only be settled by Betfair at the end of the event.

You could make an assumption on the loss in a market by using the P/L figures and the scoreline (and also have a look at market_min_pl).
As an example in the screenshot I bet on 3 - 0.
If there is another goal we know there will be a £10 loss, and you want to record the loss and delete the market.

So the idea is to write to a user variable, the assumed loss (market_min_pl), when market_score1+market_score2 is greater than 3, and then delete the market.
The value of the user variable can then be used in the next market.

I hope this idea helps, but if you want a trigger written you can use the trigger development service.
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: Registering a goal as a loss/delete market
« Reply #2 on: 08 Mar 2016, 15:16 »
HI Mark,

Thanks for the reply.

How does one reference the variable in the trigger?

Would it be creating a trigger to set user variable, value = market_mins_pl and conditions market_score1+market_score2 is greater than 0?

O In

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Re: Registering a goal as a loss/delete market
« Reply #3 on: 08 Mar 2016, 17:43 »
It wasn't clear if you are back dutching or laying in the CS markets, and your exact spec for when to take the loss and delete the market is not defined, so I can only suggest an idea for you.

If you are laying, I think this trigger can be modified. It takes the settled loss from the previous market and adds it to the lay stake in the next market, with some settings you can tweak.

If you follow the logic of the formulas and conditions, you can see how the variables are updated and referenced in the next market.

The suggestion is modify the first trigger to update the variable current_loss using your spec when to close the market and move on, rather than previous market settled.
in the value formula replace market_settled_pl with market_min_pl
change market status to in-play
add conditions to execute the trigger at the appropriate time (market_score etc.)
add a trigger action to delete the market when the variable(s) are updated
modify the laying trigger to your own, but retain "current_bet" in the amount

as I say this is just an idea and feel free to modify it and try it in test mode, but if you need some help to write and test you do have a quota of free triggers from the development service.
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: Registering a goal as a loss/delete market
« Reply #4 on: 08 Mar 2016, 17:58 »
Hi Mark,

Thanks for the post, I should be able to figure it out now!


O In


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