  • #1 by slybee on 16 Aug 2014
  • Hi,

    I will need a trigger that will remember the first and second favorite 1 minute before in-play.

    Then at in-play when the 6th favorite in win market lay price is greater 25, then back the favorite in place market if the favorite or 2nd favorite before in-play is still the favorite at in-play or the 2nd favorite is favorite at in-play.

    I hope you can help?

  • #2 by mcbee on 19 Aug 2014
  • hi
    here is your trigger
    in the constants you can set
    bet amount
    Minutes before the start time to record first and second favourites
    In-play time delay before placing the bet   .016=1 second

    the trigger will record the first and second fav at your set time before the start time.
    then in-play after the time delay, a bet will be placed on the favourite in the place marke, if the win market 6th fav lay price is equal or greater than 25 and the fav is one of the recorded winmarket favourite's.

    please use test mode until you are happy with your settings


    download the trigger below