Author Topic: Remembered selections / user variables  (Read 4668 times)

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Remembered selections / user variables
« on: 25 Nov 2016, 23:02 »
is it possible to export remembered selections or user variables to a file.
I have a trigger which has a rolling list of information from the last 40 races.
Trouble is after running the trigger for a couple of days Marketfeeder tends to freeze or pause intermittently making the trigger less reliable.
When I restart the list is wiped clean and starts from scratch again.
Is it possible to export the list before closing the program then refer to it on restart, maybe using excel?

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Re: Remembered selections / user variables
« Reply #1 on: 26 Nov 2016, 08:05 »
If your user variables are also set as Constants, there is an option to remember last value and store the values in the trigger file.
or, you could use the Write to Excel trigger action to send the variable values to Excel and run the trigger at intervals.

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Re: Remembered selections / user variables
« Reply #2 on: 26 Nov 2016, 09:56 »
Thanks Mark, think I'll try the first option as I'm not very excel literate.


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