Author Topic: Reset trigger  (Read 2675 times)

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Reset trigger
« on: 17 Jul 2016, 02:03 »
I would like to know how to reset my trigger after it has lost X amount of times consecutively.


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Re: Reset trigger
« Reply #1 on: 17 Jul 2016, 09:57 »
That depends on whether your trigger repeats, involves loss recovery etc.

the variable that counts consecutive losses is "losses"

Generically you could use a trigger to:
Action: reset win/lose history
Action(s): set user variables to their default values
selections trigger expression losses is equal or greater than x

similarly you could reset the values of any variables and repeat the trigger block using a "close block" trigger, using the same condition as above:
selections trigger expression losses is equal or greater than x
here is an article on how to repeat triggers:

if you would like a trigger developer to look at your trigger and write it according to your spec, please post your request here:
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: Reset trigger
« Reply #2 on: 17 Jul 2016, 10:53 »
Hi Mark,
thanks for the reply,
I am using a lay trigger with loss recovery.
Do you mean add a constant (which is set to a loss amount of times)
ie: loss_counter and set it to 5 ?
then write a trigger to check it?
or a close block?


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Re: Reset trigger
« Reply #3 on: 17 Jul 2016, 11:23 »
Thanks for describing the principle of your trigger.
Please see in the manual the description for the losses variable:
Triggered Betting > Reference > Variables > Win/Lose History > losses
it automatically counts the number of consecutive losses.

so for the amount field in your laying trigger I suggest something like this depending on what variables are used for the recovery amount (here I assume current_bet):
IF(losses>5, initial_bet, current_bet)

However, there are example staking plan triggers that are tested for correct operation and already do this and you could use one and adapt to your needs.

This one for example you just set the maximum bet amount in the constant, and if the recovery exceeds this amount the trigger resets to the initial amount

Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: Reset trigger
« Reply #4 on: 17 Jul 2016, 12:08 »
Hi Mark,

Top man  :D

Thanks for the support ...

best regards,


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