Author Topic: Running a trigger on test mode and real mode simultaneously  (Read 4520 times)

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Hi there,  I have a trigger that I have been running in test mode and all seems good so I am ready to try it with real money.  However I would like to run it in test mode at the same time so that I can compare the results, IE if it runs good in test mode but fails horribly with real money I could troubleshoot what went wrong. Can anyone help me please?

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Please note that the Test Mode is significantly different from real mode in several aspects, such as bet matching and the time needed to place a bet. It is not recommended to assess the profitability of your strategy using test bets if that strategy involves placing a succession of bets within a short time frame, especially if those bets may stay unmatched.

Always keep in mind that the Test Mode is designed to give you the general idea of how your triggers will perform, and you need to account for possible problems, such as errors at BetFair's side, problems with the Internet, you running out of funds, your bet taking too long to be accepted etc.

If you want to run the same strategy in real and test modes at the same time, then open two instances of MF Pro (with different settings profiles but identical settings) and switch to real mode in one of those instances, then load markets and run your triggers in both.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Thanks Oxa. My strategy is quite simple and only requires one bet per market, however I have decided to run on real mode only but with very low stakes.

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Hi Tickaz

Be aware that if you are using stakes below the Betfair minimum (£2 in the UK) then placing the bet will take longer, as MFP has to jump through some hoops involving a few separate bets to achieve this.  This could seriously impact the profitabiity of your strategy if it involves inplay betting as the price you get might have moved significantly in the time this takes.

Just something to bear in mind.

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I have more questions and instead of making another post each time I thought I would just ask them in this thread if that is okay.

First question, if I want am performing an action on a selection that is not the first favourite but has a condition about the first favourite's price (eg it's last traded price is equal to or less than it's minimum traded price, for example) would I write in the formula builder

Favourite's Last Traded Price is equal to or less than traded_minp

I'm hoping the variable traded_minp in this example refers to the favourite's minimum price and not the current selection's.

Second question, I found a variable in the formula builder named "vol_trend" that isn't explained in the help file. Can anyone explain this variable to me please?

armarni: thanks for the tip, but the bets are placed pre-off.

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I'm hoping the variable traded_minp in this example refers to the favourite's minimum price and not the current selection's.

Yes, that's correct.
You may also find this article useful:

The difference between Selection’s, Any Other Selection’s, All Other Selections’, Every Selection’s and At Least One Selection’s

 I found a variable in the formula builder named "vol_trend" that isn't explained in the help file

I will add it to the manual, thanks for pointing this out.

The variables vol_trend and lt_trend give you the numerical representation of a trend in the volume% and last traded price respectively. Their value can range between -0.999 and 0.999: the closer it is to 0, the less intensively the volume or last traded price change with time. The value 0.99 would mean a sharp leap, while -0.99 - a sharp drop (which never happens in reality).
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Use the r_ prefix, r_ = rank, r_1_ =fav, r_2_ = 2nd fav
favourites last traded price is equal or less than r_1_traded_minp
or selections trigger expression r_1_last_traded is equal or less than r_1_traded_minp

vol_trend is derived from the charts. See the helpfile section on chart editor
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Thanks, I found the r_1_ prefix in the help file, and I think the lt_trend and vol_trend variables will help me with what I need (identifying steamers and drifters).


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