Not tested this but if you are backing in win markets, the selection who's lay price is 1.01 is the potential winner, all other selections with back bets are potential losers.
so 2 triggers:
1st trigger as above, first matching selection, condition: selections lay price is equal to 1.01
2nd trigger sets a user variable individually per selection value: -back_matched
all matching selections
trigger 1st trigger number of runs in the market is greater than 0
and selections back matched is greater than 0
and selections back price is equal or greater than greater than 1.01
this records the winners profit and assumes the liability for the others as a loss
I don't think this is watertight because a lay price of 1.01 can still be overturned, or the market could be reopened after suspension etc. and also it does not take into account commission on the winning bets.