Author Topic: Sequential Backing/Greening When More Than One Selection Matches Conditions.  (Read 8769 times)

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I want to be able to back selections, according to conditions, in a horse race and green up if their  prices drop. I would like to back them sequentially, by this I mean back and green first selection, back and green second selection, etc. The trigger editor allows me to name the first matching selection so I have no problem here, but how do I deal with succeeding matching selections, please ? There is nothing in the drop down box which enables me to refer to second matching selection, third matching selection, etc.

My reason for wanting to do this is that I only want to" green" the second selection if my first selection has been" greened". If it hasn't, I want the second back bet to be a straight win bet without greening. Similarly, I do not want to "green" my third matching selection unless the two previous matching selections have themselves been "greened".

I hope that I have expressed myself properly to make my strategy clear.


  • Élite
  • Posts: 3698
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i would say the conditions for your greenit trigger would be 3 blocks.
block 1
( your other conditions )
and markets number of matched lay bets is equal to 0
and markets number of unmatched lay bets is equal to 0
block 2
( your other conditions )
and markets number of matched lay bets is equal to 1
and markets number of unmatched lay bets is equal to 0
block 3
( your other conditions )
and markets number of matched lay bets is equal to 2
and markets number of unmatched lay bets is equal to 0

set the greenit trigger to no more than x secs

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Thank you, McBee. I understand the first instructions relating to the number of bets and the use of three blocks but am unsure as to how to set the time for the "greening". How do I do that please ?

  • Nerd
  • Élite
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  • I think I could be on to something here!
If you are backing first, then laying to greenup and not betting in that market with other triggers or manually ... there's an easier way.

On the back trigger with first matching selection .. and a condition [selection matched lay bets = 0]  & [ selections profit_loss >= 0 ] & [selections matched back bets = 0 & selections unmatched back bets = 0]

this will work {i think} ... this is off the top of my head so test carefully

 [selections matched lay bets = 0] will return only selections that you have not greened up on.

[ profit_loss >= 0 ]  your PnL will be zero before for the first bet .. so you will get the first matching selection. When your first back is matched all other selections PnL will be negative. You will only do the next selections once you have greened up on the first and your PnL is now positive on the other also.

[selections matched back bets = 0 & selections unmatched back bets = 0] prevents backing the same selection twice
Fortune favors the brave!

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Thank you both for your help. I have created a set of triggers incorporating some/most of the suggestions and it is ready for testing this afternoon.

My principal failing before was backing the same horse twice and this should not happen again. I understand Mcbee's concerns about timing of the greening process but am not sure how to cater for this.

In any event it's best that I test what I have first and I'll report back.

  • Nerd
  • Élite
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  • I think I could be on to something here!
try setting trigger repeat in "x seconds" to be at least 2 x bet checking time.

give MFP enough time to pick up bets placed and their status.
Fortune favors the brave!

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At the moment I have three separate greening triggers , one for each of three possible back bets, so none will be repeated. I can foresee all sorts of difficulties with what I have written, especially if a greening bet is placed "late".

Anyway, only seven minutes to go now before the first race, and I'll soon find out if I have created a complete cockup :)

  • Nerd
  • Élite
  • Posts: 462
  • Gender: Male
  • I think I could be on to something here!
Fortune favors the brave!

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I am not having much luck, unfortunately. My triggers continue to back the first matching selection three times instead of looking for and backing any horses which also meet the conditions. All three back triggers back the same horse.

How can I do as I wish, please ? It's driving me daft now as I've spent hours tweaking triggers with no result. :)

  • Élite
  • Posts: 3698
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sorry, i did not get the part that you wanted to only back bet after the other has been greened, i thought you want to green each horse in sequence.
so all you need to do is put the same in the backing trigger/s as i put for the green triggers.
first backing trigger or block
and markets number of matched back bets is equal to 0

then for your next betting trigger or block
and markets number of matched back bets is equal to 1
and markets number of matched lay bets is equal to 1


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Please accept my apologies, Mcbee, as I have not expressed myself well. This is what I want to do :

(i) I set conditions which a horse (s) has to meet for me to back in running,

(ii) MFP backs the horse and then, hopefully, lays it producing a profit ( let's say I am looking for five ticks profit)

(iii) If I successfully green the first selection, I want to attempt to back and lay another qualifying runner in the hope of making more profit, BUT

if the first selection is not greened, I want to bet the second horse as a straight back bet without greening.

I want to avoid the situation where my second selection wins the race only for me to have reduced my winnings from it by greening up. If the second selection wins the race, obviously my first backed runner loses a unit stake for me. By observation, I stand a better chance of making an overall profit if I do not green the second selection.

I currently use a trigger which has backed and greened up to five horses in a single race. When this happens all is well, however, things go wrong when lay bets are not matched.

  • Élite
  • Posts: 3698
  • Gender: Male
in that case your second betting trigger would have
and markets number of matched lay bets is equal to 1
markets number of unmatched lay bets is equal to 1

etc for 2 and 3 selections

but your green triggers will still need the same as before conditions
if you use attempt to greenup, then the lay bet will be placed ready to get matched

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