Author Topic: total wins and losses on account statement [TCKTHQX-270695]  (Read 4380 times)

  • Administrator
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Copied from a support request:
Can you help me please ?
How can I refer a trigger to the TOTAL number of wins or losses on the current days account statement (ie not just the the number from the last win or loss).
Thanks for your help
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  • Élite
  • Posts: 3694
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this trigger will record all the statement wins and losses.
i say statement wins/losses, because if you place 3 bets, 1 wins and 2 lose and you make a loss then it is a statement lose (not 1 win and 2 losses).
if you want to see the wins and losses, then open the variable screen and type
wc=win count
lc=lose count
hc=history count
to use the information in a betting trigger, you just use
and selections trigger expression wc is less than (whatever number), the betting trigger will only place bets if the wins are less than your set number.
to add the trigger to your existing triggers, just copy and paste it in to your set of triggers, then add the constants as they are written from the win lose trigger. 


download the trigger below
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Excellent ! thanks for your help.


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