Author Topic: Shortest priced horses, check their price before the off [TCKTONE-173630]  (Read 31856 times)

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Hi mcbee,

Ok, so after testing today it has occured to me that maybe I'm trying to run before i can walk, so, to make things easier (I hope) I'd like you to use the current trigger file you have but make the following changes:-

1). Only remember the favourites price (and not both the fav and 2nd favourite).
2). Much like the trigger files 'Auto-Scalping (Repetitive Backing and Greening Up)' and 'Auto-Scalping (Repetitive Laying and Greening Up)' I'd like a continual green-up regardless of whether the price is steaming or drifting. You've already added in a section for distributing the loss when the price direction changes so I hope adding in the continual green-up will not be too much work for you. I'm asking for this as I've seen many prices go from say 1.8 down to 1.6 and then back to 1.8 again and by adding in this continual green-up I'll be making a profit when the price is steaming and drifting (apart from the loss distributed when the price direction changes).

I think only concentrating on the fav will make things easier for both of us and then once it fully works hopefully adding in the 2nd fav will be easier than trying to do them both at the same time.

Thanks for your time, it's much appreciated.


  • Élite
  • Posts: 3698
  • Gender: Male
i have added a constant to set the ticks for the green up.
i have also added another condition to only place the first back or lay bet if the back and lay price is only 1 tick difference.

please use test mode


download below
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  • Posts: 46
Hi mcbee,

I've tested this out with the first two races today and it's not working as requested.

Firstly, my refresh time now stays at 60 seconds even when the race has 10 mins or less before the start. (pictures shows correct 1 sec but only because i manually changed it). Secondly the continual green up doesn't work (at all). I've posted a few shots from the 2nd race today (and added .txt files with some words in) so you can see what's not happening. It is working with only the fav though so this bit is ok.

Please could you take extra time to fully test the trigger before posting back to me. I appreciate you have many files to work on but I'm more than happy for you to have this for the next 2, 3 or even 4 days to get it right.

Also please only use the instructions from page 4 of this forum as it would appear that sometimes the changes you're making are from old posts.

If you're unsure of what i require or do not understand please ask me to explain again and i will.

Look forward to the latest trigger file from you.


  • Élite
  • Posts: 3698
  • Gender: Male
sorry, i noticed this when re-testing the triggers, it is because i added the extra green up trigger and did not add this to the re back and lay triggers, the refresh rate did not alter because i changed the timing, so i have put that back to what it was.
i tested yesterday and the triggers kept backing and laying until the set time, but i will test for a few days and then release the trigger.

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  • Élite
  • Posts: 3698
  • Gender: Male
can you do a quick test with this trigger to see if i am going in the right direction etc.

please use test mode


download the trigger below
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Hi mcbee,

Little difficult for me at the weekends. I've had a quick go and things look better but i need more time. I'll get more time in the week so I'll come back to you probably on Tuesday.


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Hi mcbee,

I've had chance to look at two races today and here's my findings:-

** Please note, I've included a picture of the settings used in the trigger file. As you can see I set both of the last two options to 3. To me this means that nothing will happen if the price to bet on has not moved in one direction (from the last placed bet) by at least 3 ticks. Please tell me if i am wrong about this as this maybe confusing me with the instructions I am giving you? **

Race1a.png:- Initial back bet was fine @ 1.87. Loss distributed @ 1.9 was fine. Lay bet @ 1.9 was fine (as price was moving upwards). Now, from this point onwards (4th bet) there's multiple back and lay bets at various prices (a lot of them the same price). I wouldn't have thought (with setting the tl and tp values in the trigger file to 3) that this would have happened.

Race2a.png:- Similar thing to first race except it all seems to go wrong after bet 2.

I'll try to explain again what i'm after excpet this time I'll use numbers (just in case I've confused you in the past).

Example:- (assune tl and tp are set to 3 ticks)
1). Initial bet is made from remembered prices (Back bet @ 1.50).
2). Price continues to drop. It's now at 1.46, so green up. Place another back bet (as price is still dropping). Price is 1.42, so green up. Place another back bet (as price is still dropping). Price turns upwards. Price is now 1.46. Distribute the loss and price a lay bet (as price is growing). Price is now 1.50 so green up. place a lay bet (as price is growing). Price is now 1.54 so green up. Price a lay bet (as price is growing). Price turns against me again and goes to 1.50 so distribute the loss and place a new back bet as price is dropping.

This cycle of events continues until just before the off.

Hope this makes things a bit clearer.

Look forward to the next trigger file.

Many thanks,

  • Élite
  • Posts: 3698
  • Gender: Male
thanks for the Example, this helps a lot,BUT what you are after is a holy grail and this is not possible, if it were possible the mathematicians of betting would have covered it by now.
the problem is the bot gets the correct price and a millisecond it changes, so it gets a good price to green up and bang it's gone the other way.
i will try my best to get as close as possible, but there will always be losses, it is a part of gambling that we have to live with.

Please read the following  disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Hi mcbee,

'i will try my best to get as close as possible, but there will always be losses, it is a part of gambling that we have to live with' - understood and thanks for the reply.

Can i ask you how are you getting on with this?


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Hi mcbee,

Not heard from you for a while.

Have you been able to make any progress on the above?


  • Élite
  • Posts: 3698
  • Gender: Male
i am rewriting the triggers using blocks, to try and get a better green and distribute loss ratio.

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Thanks mcbee, appreciate it  :)


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Hi mcbee,

Have you managed to make any headway with this yet?


  • Élite
  • Posts: 3698
  • Gender: Male
sorry, but i am testing the latest time machine with your triggers(because they are use many conditions), but have a few problems.
i am testing two betas at once, so it is difficult at times to sort out if it is my laptop/the time machine or the triggers that is at fault.

Please read the following  disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Hi mcbee,

Ok, that all sounds fine. Thanks for time and effort you are putting into this for me. Once again, it's much appreciated.



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