Author Topic: Slight change to trigger for fave in place market but im a nube  (Read 5484 times)

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Hello 👋. Im looking at this trigger but im wanting it to place the bet on the place market still but on the fave on the win market. As some times the fave on the place markets don't match the faves on the win market. Especially if money piles in late. I guessing its super simple but im completely new to this software/bot. Could someone make the change and send it so i could learn how to do it in future please. Im reading about win_place adding it but i dunno where or if i need to change anything else. Trigger is close to being good, i just need it to choose the win fave not the place fave. Thank you for the help guys. 

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Oh, and i think if there is a delay to the race, it can mess up the staking plan as it placed 2 2pound bets and it happened on 2 separate occasions. Im guessing it was to do with a delay in race time. Apart from that. It seems ok

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As in.. on my bets  i looked and it had placed a 2 pound bet, it lost and instead of 4 in placed 2 pounds. But i dunno if it just placed 2 bets at the same time or...

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Try this test mode to make sure it works as you want:

change the Selections field from Favourite to: First Matching Selection
add a condition: and selections trigger expression winplace_sel_order is equal to 1

You need to monitor (refresh) both Win and Place markets for each race

Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Thank you so much. That was a massive help. Learning somthing new everyday lol. What are your thought with the money recoup system in this? Would you still say its as dangerous as martingale? Im not sure what bank i should start with. But im also at the min just doing 1 pound stakes and seeing what the results are with a 100 bank. 

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I think any form of staking plan would really need to be researched by yourself. Some analysis and pointers of a similar trigger can be found here.
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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thanx, reading that other link actually confirms my theory that I've been thinking/testing out, all about value and unless you find value, you lose.  

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hi guys, sorry, i have a VERRY important question, im not sure if i should make a new post or ask in here so i may do both sorry. Backing On The Favourite In Place Markets :: Automated Betfair Trading Software - MarketFeeder Pro obvs running that staking plan and i actually enjoy it, BUT  the bot is firing while waiting for a race to finish. is there any trigger that just tells it to wait?? say its at 10 pounds... a loss should be next bet 12 but it thinks its not placed the 10 pounds yet, so places 10 again.... and booom, the whole system fails, just on it not waiting for the result. Fix that and it wouldn't have made a loss all week.

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there are races that happen 2 mins apart... and then there are delayed races cos of..... snow? im not sure how or even if it possible that it can separate them/know a delay is in place... a delayed race now i just scratch the whole course for that day... im thinking you look down and just delete the races that are close together... would be the easy option i guess. but its a bot... i wanna leave it and if a delay in in place half way fru the day.. then it knows some how?? its the one kink in the armor right now.

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Point 3 in this article explains how to do it.

If you are struggling and want your trigger amended it would be best to put in a free trigger request.
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Thank you


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