Author Topic: Smart/ dynamic trigger take II  (Read 25603 times)

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Re: Smart/ dynamic trigger take II
« Reply #30 on: 13 May 2014, 20:53 »

I was away on the weekend so I was not able to test the trigger earlier. But yesterday and today I did

I did understand what you did on the trigger, on the way it deletes de markets, but I was looking on my data and that could influence negatively the long term results, and I will try to explain you why.

I set 30 seconds before the race to the trigger to fire and those 30 seconds are very crucial. Some times the result from the race before come out on that exactly time frame ( and this happens more times then I thought).

So if the trigger deletes it at 30 seconds before the race and the results come out after that it will be not able to make a bet... because it already deleted it... And for this strategy to work it is very important to place bets, between races without inturruption as possible... Race after race...

So now you're problably thinking why not changing the time for the trigger to fire to like 5 seconds before the race?

The answer is because during those 30 seconds it is more likely to meet the conditions for the odds and the trigger to place bets. Because like I said before it is very importante keep doing bets without inturrupion between races...

So to avoid this problem I just was thinking to introduce one condition on the "delete trigger markets" to only fire 3 seconds before the race start... So this would permit a few seconds more before it deletes it... And introduce another condition on the "backit" to only fire if las trigger's event is settled, this to prevent to make another bet before last event is settled

I made these modifications and some times it works and another times it does not work. I can not understant way is it so unrregular, is like it does what it wants to

This is one solution but for sure there are some other ways to solve this, I which you understand what Is my main concern in the way of that time frame.

So would like to ask for your help once more, to solve this thank you


  • Élite
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Re: Smart/ dynamic trigger take II
« Reply #31 on: 13 May 2014, 22:27 »
i will look at the trigger and see what can be done.

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Re: Smart/ dynamic trigger take II
« Reply #32 on: 13 May 2014, 22:28 »
Thank you

  • Élite
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Re: Smart/ dynamic trigger take II
« Reply #33 on: 15 May 2014, 13:21 »
i have added 2 condition blocks.
block 1 to delete if the last market is not settled and this market has started
block 1 to delete if the last market is not settled and this markets minutes before the off is less than 0.

please use test mode until you are happy with your settings


download the trigger below
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Re: Smart/ dynamic trigger take II
« Reply #34 on: 15 May 2014, 13:25 »
Many thanks  ;D

i will start testing it

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Re: Smart/ dynamic trigger take II
« Reply #35 on: 26 May 2014, 15:44 »
Hello Mcbee,

I was testing all these days and I still haven't solved the problem of the first race win.

I was looking on the triggers loggos and I found 2 problems which some times occur and makes it behave anormally.

I Found:

1.The trigger which calculates de value CV, calculates the value a few seconds before the Counter betting adds 1 more Win to the counter (if it wins). So this makes an invalid value

2.Sometimes despite it has one trigger to reset all the data it gives to the hc value the value os the total settled markets of the day before, which makes it FALSE on the conditions, hist_count bigger than hc, so does not adds a win, which again leaves to an invalid value.

I just did tried a lot of changes and did not work every time. Some times it works and some times does not

Thank you

  • Élite
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Re: Smart/ dynamic trigger take II
« Reply #36 on: 26 May 2014, 16:43 »
1.The trigger which calculates de value CV, calculates the value a few seconds before the Counter betting adds 1 more Win to the counter (if it wins). So this makes an invalid value
this works correctly, the calculation is for the next bet,it cannot calculate for the bet that has just been placed, that would not be the correct value for the current bet.
bet 1=1*.30 this value is set a split second before the second bet is placed.
the first bet cannot have a value until a split second before the second bet is placed.

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Re: Smart/ dynamic trigger take II
« Reply #37 on: 27 May 2014, 11:42 »

Yesterday I just did one single bet which was a win bet ( day 26) as you can see on attach.

Today at the first race the win counter when the trigger fired had the WC value at 1. (win counter 1º race.jpg). Instead of 0

The first bet of the day was a win bet too, as you can see on attach (win counter 2º race.jpg) de WC value was at 2, instead of the real 1 bet win for today.

And CV as you would expect is wrong because the win counter is wrong.

I can not understand why this only happens when the starting bet is a win bet...

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Re: Smart/ dynamic trigger take II
« Reply #38 on: 27 May 2014, 11:43 »


  • Élite
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Re: Smart/ dynamic trigger take II
« Reply #39 on: 27 May 2014, 14:57 »
please add this codition to the second block in the win counter trigger.
and selections trigger expression new_statement is equal to 1

this should stop that first win from the previous day been counted.

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Re: Smart/ dynamic trigger take II
« Reply #40 on: 29 May 2014, 15:33 »
I just did introduced the condition.

Another question How can I set 1 trigger in one block to fired before  other trigger on the same block?

What I'm noticing is, some times the trigger which puts the back bet, fires before the trigger which calculates the values. This is because the results come at the exactly same time to all triggers. And this should be in the other way, first calculate the values and after place the bet


  • Élite
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Re: Smart/ dynamic trigger take II
« Reply #41 on: 29 May 2014, 18:11 »
and trigger (name of trigger) number of runs is greater than 0.

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Re: Smart/ dynamic trigger take II
« Reply #42 on: 29 May 2014, 18:15 »
I created another new trigger to activate and desactivate the trigger wich makes the back bets in order to provoque some intencional delay but it didn't work because it still receiving the results at the exactly same time...

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Re: Smart/ dynamic trigger take II
« Reply #43 on: 29 May 2014, 18:24 »
and trigger (name of trigger) number of runs is greater than 0.


The problem is, the results from the race before come exactly at the same time to every trigger in the block.

But what I want is the to give some time to the trigger which calculates the values to work and then the trigger which place bets after...

I just get this working properly by setting the monitorazing markets a few seconds before the trigger which place back bets fire. So this gave time to every one on the block to work an then fire the back bet.

The problem is when there is a delay coming the result from the race before and the race after is beeing monitorizing...

  • Élite
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Re: Smart/ dynamic trigger take II
« Reply #44 on: 29 May 2014, 18:36 »
the trigger   calculation bets*0.30-wins     add the condition
selections trigger expression new_statement is equal to 1
then the trigger     backit    add
and trigger calculation bets*0.30-wins number of runs is greater than 0

this will make the wins wait until the statement is updated and the backing trigger will wait for the wins to be calculated, when i run the triggers, test and live, they worked as per your instructions,i cannot think of any other to improve the trigger

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