Author Topic: SP Price Limit  (Read 2313 times)

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SP Price Limit
« on: 27 Jun 2018, 08:53 »
Hi all,

Just trying to work out, when using the SP price limit in a trigger, is it possible to limit to a range or to be greater than a certain price? If so, how is this achieved, please?

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Re: SP Price Limit
« Reply #1 on: 27 Jun 2018, 23:03 »
basically you need to use the following condition:

selections trigger expression actual_sp

the actual_sp variable will return the selections starting price.

you can try the following examples:

actual_sp is greater than 3.00

actual_sp is between 3.00 and 5.00

actual_sp is the minimum (lowest priced selection)
and actual_sp is greater than 4.00

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Re: SP Price Limit
« Reply #2 on: 28 Jun 2018, 10:12 »
basically you need to use the following condition:

selections trigger expression actual_sp

the actual_sp variable will return the selections starting price.

you can try the following examples:

actual_sp is greater than 3.00

actual_sp is between 3.00 and 5.00

actual_sp is the minimum (lowest priced selection)
and actual_sp is greater than 4.00
Thanks for the reply. I'm not clear on how this will work, given that SP bets are placed before the off and go in to the market as unmatched bets until the SP has been set - how can the bet be triggered based on a future condition?
Would it work with remembered selections? If so, there would surely need to be a brief window of time provided by Betfair where a bet can be placed once the SP has been set - which goes against the grain of how I understand SP actually works.

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Re: SP Price Limit
« Reply #3 on: 28 Jun 2018, 15:40 »

If you are talking specifically about SP betting whereby you set the liability of your future bet (for laying) or the size of your future bet (for backing), then you can set the worst limit of the price you want to take. E.g. if you set the trigger to "back at SP" and then set "Price" to 10.0, this means the bet can be matched at 10.0 or higher, and if the SP price is 9.0, the bet will be discarded.

Similarly, if you "lay at SP" and set "Price" to 10.0, this means the bet can be matched at 10.0 or lower.

All that said, SP bets can only be placed before the market turns In-Play (i.e. in Idle state).

Hope this helps.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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