  • #1 by racepro on 16 Aug 2014
  • Hi,

    Is there a condition that will prevent a trigger firing a lay bet higher than its current lay price ?
    Here is an example:
    Suppose the current lay price is 1.80 I would like to queue up a lay bet at 1.85. As we all know it would be snapped up quicker than a Rembrandt in a hock shop. I know it may sound daft but I want to catch the market as it drifts and then can place a back bet at say 1.90.
    Thanks to any genius that can oblige.
  • #2 by racepro on 19 Aug 2014
  • Sounds like it is a tricky one !!
    Can a remember action be used to record the back price ?
    And if the lay price exceeds that by say 20 ticks can a lay bet be triggered ?
    Back price  1.80 back 10
    the price drifts and the trigger fires.
    lay price     2.00 lay 10
    Any brainwaves anyone ?
  • #3 by racepro on 20 Aug 2014
  • I've answered my own question
    Just add the condition
    and selection's Lay Price is equal or greater than r_ticks(bm_backp, 20)
    "20" being number of ticks.
     the same r_ticks formula place in the action 'price' section.
    Peasy :)