Author Topic: staking plan  (Read 2099 times)

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staking plan
« on: 22 Jun 2018, 14:57 »
Hello All,

How do I change the settings so staking plan carries on to the next day? So far it only resets to initial stake.

Thank you

  • Tim Vetrov
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Re: staking plan
« Reply #1 on: 22 Jun 2018, 14:57 »
Hello Lisa,

Hard to say without seeing the triggers.
I suppose you keep the loss in a user variable.
Then when you close MF and open it next day the value of the variable is lost.
Then you need to set this variable to keep value between sessions.
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Re: staking plan
« Reply #2 on: 22 Jun 2018, 14:57 »
Hi Tim,
I attached the file I am using to this e-mail.
Hope you can assist with figuring out how to amend this so it carries the staking plan over to the next day. 
Thank you!
    On Thursday, 21 June 2018, 18:41:41 BST, MarketFeeder wrote:

 Hello Lisa,

Hard to say without seeing the triggers.
I suppose you keep the loss in a user variable.
Then when you close MF and open it next day the value of the variable is lost.
Then you need to set this variable to keep value between sessions.

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Re: staking plan
« Reply #3 on: 22 Jun 2018, 14:57 »
You need to create a constant for current_bet and set it to "Remember last value". See the amended triggers attached.

Also, make sure you set "Retrieve data that are not older than X days" to a greater number of days than 1, otherwise your profit/loss history will be limited by 1 day and will not be able to pick up from the previous day.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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