Author Topic: Staking Plans can help you to win  (Read 4962 times)

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Staking Plans can help you to win
« on: 03 Apr 2013, 17:38 »
From my fairly short time involved in the Betfair markets (around 2 and a bit years) I have realised as no doubt many of you have that simple strategies that should in theory prove a winning formula considering it is an almost break even market..... in theory!!
But not only do they not win, they can fail miserably.
I can only conclude that there are some smart operators out there who are experts at manipulating markets. Yes there are schools of thought that say it is due to technology that we cannot get on or matched due to swiftly moving markets etc..... some of this may be true of course.
I, like many on here, have concluded that level staking is not the answer.
With this in mind may I propose a staking plan that has served me well when needed.
As with any betting system if you can't win, or at least break even at level stakes
then any staking system in the world won't help you win... right?
What I have just stated may sound contradictory if one concludes we can't win using Betfair and at the same time proposing that I have a staking plan that may work.
Most staking systems I have come across involve betting on horse racing markets where there are mostly 10 or more outcomes involved. How about operating on markets where only two or three outcomes are involved ? Sounds more feasible, right? So here goes, try this one out. It is a mild progression but has worked for me.
The idea is to bet along a gradual scale and whenever an overall profit is realised then return to the base bet.
The total capital required is £210 if using the minimum stake!!
Here is the scale
9 bets @ £2
8 bets @ £3
7 bets @ £4
6 bets @ £5
5 bets @ £6
4 bets @ £7
3 bets @ £8
2 bets @ £9
1 bet   @ £10
The method is to follow the scale which = 45 bets and keep score of your profit and loss and once an overall profit is made on the scale then return to the base bet of £2.
I'm sure you'll find this a lot less nerve wracking than the Martingale and the like.
Hope this is helpful and good luck.!!
My grandma taught me not to run downstairs and never back odds on.

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Re: Staking Plans can help you to win
« Reply #1 on: 03 Apr 2013, 19:18 »
What range of odds are you betting - backing or laying?

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Re: Staking Plans can help you to win
« Reply #2 on: 03 Apr 2013, 21:14 »
My suggestion is to back but if you had a successful
lay method in mind then worth trying out.
I had no specific odds range in mind as the basis of the
scale is to make a profit over a period of 45 bets.
The main point of course is to have a consistent
percentage of collects showing an overall profit.
But if you held a gun to my head I would say an
average of 2.50 which should ensure a steady flow
of collects. However, it all depends on ones level of risk
and preparedness if they lost at the end of the
run, to dust themselves down and start all over again.
My grandma taught me not to run downstairs and never back odds on.

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Re: Staking Plans can help you to win
« Reply #3 on: 22 Dec 2013, 16:38 »
Hi guys, for this year, would laying be the recommended choice for this?
We only live once.

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Re: Staking Plans can help you to win
« Reply #4 on: 22 Dec 2013, 18:08 »
the above staking plan was designed for backing where the risk
is bet amounts within each range on the scale.
I've never thought of using it for a lay strategy however you could
replace bet amount with lay risk
Back  £10  @ 3.00
Lay    £5    @ 3.00
In either case you would stand to lose £10.
I'm not sure how this would pan out but worth testing.
In fact you could intertwine both lay and back bets within the scale.
The main objective is to lose equivalent amounts as per the range above.
This method is for carefully selected bets. Betting randomly on hunches etc will certainly result in wiping out your capital.
Staking plans are fine when you are winning, however the intelligentsia will tell you long term they are all fallible. Long losing runs will wipe out any bank eventually, even level stake betting. I'd certainly test thoroughly before betting real money. 
Good Luck, let's know how you get on or any thoughts you have.
My grandma taught me not to run downstairs and never back odds on.


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