Author Topic: Stop Running Trigger when P/L OF The Day Reach Amount  (Read 3871 times)

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Hey, sry to open a new topic every time I can't solve something. But they are all different questions, so it makes sense differente topics.


I saw this somewhere but can't seem to find it again. I have a trigger that is running all day, but I want it to stop when I make let's say 50€ during the day.

Was that clear? Let's say that the trigger made 20 bets. And the result of thoose bets are +50€, how can I stop the trigger from continuing ?

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Re: Stop Running Trigger when P/L OF The Day Reach Amount
« Reply #1 on: 29 May 2014, 16:50 »
Probably several ways of doing it, but here's one:

First Trigger
Set User variable: start_bank Value: balance
One Time Only

No conditions

Next Trigger
Deactivate trigger/block: (name of your betting trigger or block)
Once per market

Selections Trigger Expression: balance is equal or greater than start_bank + 50.00

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Re: Stop Running Trigger when P/L OF The Day Reach Amount
« Reply #2 on: 29 May 2014, 22:54 »
Thanks i'll try it


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