Author Topic: Struggling with "in file" condition in a trigger  (Read 2854 times)

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Sorry, another newbie question.

I'm trying to add a condition into a trigger to only bet on Over 2.5 goals in certain matches, listed in a text file.  I know I do this sort of filter using Market Locator and only have those games listed in the My Markets, but I have various overlapping markets loaded and want to be able to target certain games through the trigger.

So far I have been able to get the trigger working by having one home team in the file so I know it kind of works. The problem I'm finding is when I add more team names, specifically ones with a space in their name, but I can't seem to figure it out. I've read through the forum and tried various "" marks.

For example, if I have "Arsenal" in the text file, it fires fine on that match. But if I try "AFC Wimbledon" the condition is FALSE.

Any help would be appreciated.


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Re: Struggling with "in file" condition in a trigger
« Reply #1 on: 08 Mar 2020, 11:28 »
I take it you are using Markets Name is in file.....?   Have you tried without quotation marks?  From the manual, "Is in File":: Returns TRUE if the left operand is equal to one or more strings listed in the text file whose path is specified in the right operand, or FALSE otherwise.   As far as I know, quotations remove spaces from the string, so that would explain why your first example Arsenal was fine, but AFC Wimbledon failed.   

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Re: Struggling with "in file" condition in a trigger
« Reply #2 on: 08 Mar 2020, 23:17 »
I've tried it with and without the quotation marks, but I can't get it working if it has a space in its name.

I've given up for the moment as I can't work out the logic.

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Re: Struggling with "in file" condition in a trigger
« Reply #3 on: 15 Mar 2020, 16:00 »

I'm sorry, but you won't be able to use the "in file" option in trigger conditions for market names, unless the text file contains a list of full market names, with its path, e.g. "Soccer - Calendar / 2019 / June 2019 / 07 (Fri) / All Markets / New York City v FC Cincinnati Over/Under 2.5 Goals - Over/Under 2.5 Goals".

I'm not sure how you managed to do this using just the name of the home team.

I can suggest a solution to your problem though (see the triggers attached). You can check the names of the teams in Match Odds and then bet on Over 2.5 goals if the Match Odds trigger sets a variable. Add the names of teams that participate in the games where you want to bet to a text file (one team per line), enclose them in double quotes. See an sample text file attached. One team (any team) per match is enough.

Obviously, you will need to add Match Odds along with Over/Under 2.5 goals in Market Locator. The Match Odds market is deleted automatically by the trigger.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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