Author Topic: sum of market_tradeouts from more than one market  (Read 3966 times)

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I need free trigger for the following Soccer Games:
I have placed all back bets on Match Odds the Draw on three different markets.
for example: I backed Draw on Match 1. Arsenal v Liverpool, Match 2. Manchester v Fulham, Match 3. Chelsea v Tottenham
I want a single variable that will calculate the sum of all these markets market_tradeout.
Ex. (sum of market_tradeouts for Match 1 + Match 2 + Match 3)

kindly help


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  • Posts: 8822
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Re: sum of market_tradeouts from more than one market
« Reply #1 on: 22 Jul 2023, 22:30 »

Please see your triggers attached.

No constants are needed for these triggers. Just add these triggers (you can copy and paste the entire block) to whatever other triggers you are currently using.

After you start refreshing the markets and placing bets, you can refer to the total sum of all market_tradeout in the total_tradeout variable.

Make sure you've tested the triggers in Test Mode before you switch to real money. I recommend testing triggers in Time Machine, as you can run your strategy by multiple markets in minutes, and the data is very cheap. 

If you'd like to make any changes to the original trigger description, please make a new trigger request.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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