Author Topic: tennis score betting  (Read 2053 times)

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tennis score betting
« on: 06 Jul 2017, 19:14 »

Is it possible to back a selection in a tennis match based on the score,
for example, could i back the server when the score is love/30 then green up if
the server goes on to win the game.

thank you

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Re: tennis score betting
« Reply #1 on: 09 Jul 2017, 19:11 »
yes, conditions for the backing trigger in the example you quoted would be:

selections index is equal to tennis_current_server
and selections trigger expression tennis_playertennis_current_server_points_won is equal to 0
     selections trigger expression tennis_player1_points_won is equal to 30
     or selections trigger expression tennis_player2_points_won is equal to 30
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