Author Topic: [TR] Tennis women lay below 1,20 and green up  (Read 3208 times)

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[TR] Tennis women lay below 1,20 and green up
« on: 14 Apr 2016, 16:51 »
Hi Team,

I need a trigger as follows:

-Individual (no doubles)
-Only in games with women
-Lay 10€ to any player who his lay quote is less than 1.20 only during the first set.
-Then back to the double of the risk. For example if lay to 1.20 back to 1.60, if lay to 1.15 back to 1.45 (to loss "1" to win "2".
-Finally if the lay and the back are triggered, to equalize the profits between the 2 players.
-If the bet loss, then apply the fibonacci staking plan until recover the loses and finally reseting to 10€.

Thank you.

  • Élite
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Re: Tennis women lay below 1,20 and green up
« Reply #1 on: 15 Apr 2016, 13:20 »
here is your trigger,in the constants you can set.
Initial bet size
Maximum number of steps in the sequence
Maximum lay price

you will have to use market locator to choose women matches only, as there is no condition for this, the api does not show men/women in the market name, the trigger will not bet in doubles markets.

please use test mode until you are happy with your settings


download the trigger below
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  • All members
  • Posts: 2
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Re: Tennis women lay below 1,20 and green up
« Reply #2 on: 15 Apr 2016, 15:51 »
Thank you for your fast answer!

I'll try it in demo.

Best regards.



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