Author Topic: The Best trigger Laying Staking Plan  (Read 3983 times)

  • Élite
  • Posts: 115
  • Gender: Male
The Best trigger Laying Staking Plan
« on: 27 Jul 2012, 14:36 »
Cerco di fare una statistica frà tutti gli utenti di MF per capire qualè sia il miglior trigger da usare in Lay di Staking Plan.
I try to make a statistic among all users of MF to understand what is the best trigger to use in the Lay Staking Plan.

Confido in una Vs. collaborazione.
I trust in your cooperation. ;)


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  • Posts: 2
Re: The Best trigger Laying Staking Plan
« Reply #1 on: 27 Jul 2012, 23:42 »
Maria for me  ;)


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