Author Topic: Unders trigger  (Read 1630 times)

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Unders trigger
« on: 23 Feb 2021, 13:46 »
I've got a question about this one:

Is it possible to make this trigger betting on all unders, u0.5, u1.5 etc? At the moment I need to have all goals markets added to My Markets to make it work. The thing is when a lot of games are currently played I need to add loads of markets to My Markets, hundreds in weekends. As we know Betfair doesnt like players monitoring loads of markets recently and I dont really want to be kicked out. 

My idea is to make this trigger placing bets on all unders but I would add just most recent, current ones to My Markets manually. 

In addition trigger wouldnt wait for odds available but would sent desired odds to markets.

  • Tim Vetrov
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Re: Unders trigger
« Reply #1 on: 24 Feb 2021, 10:11 »

You can create a market locator search template to add the only necessary markets.
In additional you can change market refresh rate with triggers to avoid overloading.
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