  • #1 by evero on 01 Aug 2013
  • Hi

    How can I record P/L for any of the triggers in the same markets ? I use live mode, 1 trigger places back bets and another one lay bets. I want to set a stop loss / profit for each trigger, that's why I must know which is the P/L for each one, not cumulative. Can you help me please ?

    thank you.
  • #2 by mcbee on 01 Aug 2013
  • hi
    the calculation for the lay bet is.
    bm_laya*(bm_layp-1) = the liability (loss amount)
    bm_laya*.95 = profit

    for the back bet

    (bm_backa*(bm_backp-1))*.95 = the profit
    bm_backa = the liability (loss amount)

    where the .95 is, this equals minus 5% commission, if your rate is different then just deduct your rate from 100.00/100, so if it is 7.50% then 100-7.5/100=.925

  • #3 by evero on 01 Aug 2013
  • Hi mcbee

    Thank you! But I want to record the Profit and Loss for each of the triggers for all the day, not only for the last race.
    Let's consider I have 3 triggers  in the same block which bet in the same markets, all at once:
    Trigger 1 back if the price is 7-8
    Trigger 2 lay if the price is 10-11
    Trigger 3 back if the price is 15-12
    I want to stop each trigger if the P/L resulted only from the bets of that trigger is more or less than x.
    How can I make it?


  • #4 by mcbee on 03 Aug 2013
  • hi
    this can only be done if you bet in markets that have time to be settled before the next bet.
    you have to record the matched price and bet amount for each trigger, then add these to the last recoded amounts.
    but you do need the last settled account before the next bet is placed.
