  • #1 by JP_potts on 05 Nov 2022
  • Having a bit of trouble with a complicated trigger.

    So in the screenshot is a trade out trigger.  It traded out, even though there was no opening trade.

    • So the first 3 conditions were met.  
    • Then I manually cancelled the trade
    • Then I opened a lay at a different price, using a different trigger
    • Then this trigger fired

    So technically the last condition was met, but I need it to be correlated with the 3rd condition.  Is there a way of doing that?

  • #2 by MarkV on 06 Nov 2022
  • Hi
    If you do not want this trade out to fire if a different trigger makes the opening trade add this condition:
    and trigger <name of different trigger> number of runs per selection is equal to 0

    If the trade out is to operate if either trigger opens the trade then use a condition block:
         trigger LAY LPBP number of runs per selection is greater than 0
         or trigger <name of different trigger> number of runs per selection is greater than 0  
  • #3 by JP_potts on 06 Nov 2022
  • Thanks for your reply, Mark.

    The problem I have is roughly this:
    • trigger 1 sets unmatched lay at 1.5
    • trigger 2 sets unmatched back at 1.9
    • trigger 1 cancels lay
    • trigger 2 back gets matched
    • trigger 2 trades out with lay at 1.8
    • trigger 1 sees the lay placed by trigger 2 and triggers it's own trade out

    What are my options to only trade out trigger 1 if it gets matched, regardless if any other triggers are fired?

    1. I've been poking around and I can see that there's a Source, but couldn't find a way of accessing it.  Is it possible to access?  Also, why are only 2 showing here?

    2. The second thing I was thinking was using User Vars.  I can see how to set a user var, but I can't seem to work out how to set it if the trade is matched.  

    3. The third thing was using the stake or price, which is what, Mark, you suggested for cancelling the bet.  But I can't find "priced between" or "bet size between" (which are in the cancel options) in the Conditions section.

    These are my raw ideas.  Are any of them possible? Thanks
  • #4 by MarkV on 07 Nov 2022
  • Hi
    Number of runs condition is the key but I will need to see your trigger file to understand and test it. Please could you either post it here or send it in a private message and I will have a look.
  • #5 by JP_potts on 07 Nov 2022
  • Fantastic. I'll drop you a PM.  Cheers.