Author Topic: Trigger example - Backing On The Favourite In Place Markets - changing stakes??  (Read 4073 times)

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  • Posts: 9
Hi all

Tried this one today as I feel it sounded feasible, set up my markets and bosh let it loose. Fancied a bit of a gamble and thought lets give it go on live money as the stakes are small. I uploded the trigger and started it off and to my horror first bet it placed a £103 back bet on the fav at 1.73 in the place market as it was meant to do but not for £103!!

I watched the race with very keen interest as you could imagine and luckily the horse obliged. Anyway I set the next on up as a test and it placed a bid of £99 on a favourite which made me think where are these stakes coming from?

Does anyone know how to change the initial stake to £10 before the loss recoupment bit kicks in? I have had a look and cannot work it out.

Thanks for any help

  • Guest

attach the trigger file and someone will alter it for you

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  • Posts: 9
Thanks Larp

Will do, Its this one. Just not sure where the stakes are coming from.

  • Guest

As the original trigger explanation page says this is the important bit

IF(last_lost>0, hist_1_backa + 2, IF(hist_1_backa<=6, 2, hist_1_backa - 4))

located in the Bet Amount of the firing mechanism. Its neat and I am glad now that you posted this question  because it something I might well use on other triggers. But I cannot open your trigger attachment as it is not a mft file. Try saving the actual trigger from your open MFpro profile as query1 (or something like that)and repost it.

  • Moderator
  • Posts: 3631
That trigger's initial stake is £2 and it adds the previous settled market's total back bets if there was a loss in the previous market. That amount was added to the first bet of this trigger because the win/lose variables were not at zero when you started the staking plan.

It's always best to try a trigger out in test mode first.
If you start a staking plan you should restart the program so the win/lose variables are zeroed.
Or, add a trigger action to reset win/lose variables before starting a staking plan sequence.
Also be aware in real mode the statement (win/lose) variables are common through all triggers and running instances of the program.
Your trigger logs will show how the amount to bet was derived.
You can paste the formula Larp mentioned into the variable window to see exactly the value live.

the trigger file is a .xml file originating from version 6. You can open the file through the trigger editor (but not double-clicking the file) and save it as .mft 
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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  • Posts: 2
ive been working on this trigger for some time in both real money and practice with great results so far but a little lost on some triggers lol.

without posting my triggers yet here is the original :

IF(last_lost>0, hist_1_backa + 2, IF(hist_1_backa<=6, 2, hist_1_backa - 4))

can we set the initial back amount at a % of bank and all future back bets either % of bank and if a loss happens add an amount to the next stake to return a profit plus the loss.

ive added some conditions to make this more than just a place bet bot which happy to disclose when i sort the bank aspect


  • Moderator
  • Posts: 3631
this will bet a percentage of your bank:
IF(test_mode=1, test_funds, total_funds)*(perc/100)
where perc is the percentage e.g. 5. You can create a constant for perc so that you can easily adjust it.

Add the above in to your recovery formula in place of the fixed amount and test in test mode.
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.


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