Author Topic: trigger fires twice when i only want it to fire once  (Read 3965 times)

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this has happened on a few different football triggers
obviously its costing me twice the amount i want it to :(
got it set to execute once per market, then it does it again within a minute or two?

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Re: trigger fires twice when i only want it to fire once
« Reply #1 on: 30 Mar 2016, 22:09 »
There is more chance of this happening if the trigger block repeats, but it is very difficult to say for sure without seeing how your trigger is constructed.

I would suggest to check the frequency of the update of the list of bets in the settings is appropriate for your market refresh rate etc. The default setting of 3 secs should be fine for football markets.

Then try adding a couple of conditions to the betting trigger to make sure there are no bets already in the market:
if you are backing:
and markets number of unmatched back bets is equal to 0
and markets number of matched back bets is equal to 0

if you are laying:
and markets number of unmatched lay bets is equal to 0
and markets number of matched lay bets is equal to 0
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: trigger fires twice when i only want it to fire once
« Reply #2 on: 31 Mar 2016, 14:15 »
i will try this and see how i get on thanks

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Re: trigger fires twice when i only want it to fire once
« Reply #3 on: 02 Apr 2016, 13:25 »
this has happened on a few different football triggers
obviously its costing me twice the amount i want it to :(
got it set to execute once per market, then it does it again within a minute or two?

See it as good a feature - you will win twice us much!

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Re: trigger fires twice when i only want it to fire once
« Reply #4 on: 08 Apr 2016, 09:32 »
Have seen this happen when the favourite changes on horse race as a related example.Conditions as described above should save you :o


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