Author Topic: Trigger following odds movememnt  (Read 25563 times)

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Trigger following odds movememnt
« on: 27 Feb 2024, 20:06 »
Hello there, 
I would like to have the following trigger. The trigger must follow follow 10-20-30 markets simultaneously and make a noise/Alarm/Bell inform me when there is some fast price/odds movement. It does not matter which selection (home/draw/away) or which game/market of all. When there is lets say 2-3-5 ticks (I want to edit this manually) a price drops/rise from 2.2 to 2.28 or 2.2 to 2.14 for example, I want to be notified immediately. 
I know that ticks are different for different odd levels 2 to 3, 3 to 4 etc. 
It would be nice if I have an option (if there is a possibility) to add amount traded (sum of all matched bets at the levels at which odds moved). 

Thank you

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Re: Trigger following odds movememnt
« Reply #1 on: 01 Mar 2024, 06:47 »
I think I got clearer now: copy from the message board
I have been trying to figure out a solution to implement. I need a trigger that notifies me (no bet placed) when there is some minor/major movement in a market/selection/. I am going to use it for arbitrage with other bookmakers. The idea is that the price moves first at BFexchange compared to the bookie I use. The problem is that right now I have to compare odds manually by myself, it is daunting task with some questionable result. I like this to be automated. Any ideas and suggestions are welcomed. Here is the idea

1. All bets will be placed Before kick-off. No in-play! 
2. Major soccer games only *Premiership, Bundesliga etc.  - I need to follow up to 30-50 markets daily. Only Match odds markets - 100-150 selections in total.
3. When there is some minor/major Leap / tick movement (doesn't matter up or down) in ANY of the Markets/selections added - Notification

I figured that I shall use MF in Full mode. And here are my doubts - I am not quite sure which price differences / periods of time to use. I have to choose (0.5, 1, 2 min) by default. I am thinking more of a 0.5, 2 and 30 minutes. Short time for the knowing of the beginning of the action and long time to be sure that the market is interesting and not completely settled at equlibrium. (fair price are achieved). 

It should be something like : 1 STEP:  If there are > 2/3 ticks ( price difference) movement for 0.5 minute interval (1st option - I will change it in settings) - Notification OR
2nd Step - the longer period - 1 minute (second option - change it ) the price different is bigger than that  in the first step. (4-5 ticks).
OR 3rd step - longest period (5 minutes which again will change accordingly) lets say the sum of previus stem (2+4 ticks in total) or manually set to 10 if I wish.

I hope you get the idea. Thank you !

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Re: Trigger following odds movememnt
« Reply #2 on: 01 Mar 2024, 11:58 »
Additional note: 
I realize that the best way to measure steams is in Percentages. Ticks does not work well because of the ticks size for different odds ladder (1 for 1.1-2, 0.2 for 2-3 etc). Good measue will be odds movement / odd
example: if odds moves from 1.67 to 1.65 these are 3 ticks, (0.3) but in Percentage is 1.796% - 0/3:1.67
same for bigger odds - price moves from 4 to 4.6 - these are 0.6 price difference -0.6 - 0.6:4 = 15% (minimum 5% move)

Am I right about that?

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Re: Trigger following odds movememnt
« Reply #3 on: 11 Mar 2024, 15:54 »

Please see your triggers attached along with the Market Locator market search template. Configure market scheduler in Monitoring Options to run this search every hour.

Use the constants inside the file to adjust the trigger settings, such as the unit type (ticks or percentage) and time periods to measure within. Note that each next dif_val is calculated on top of the previous price difference, as per your instructions.

You will need to set up your email settings in order to be able to receive email notifications (see Settings -> Email Options).

Make sure you've tested the triggers in Test Mode before you switch to real money. I recommend testing triggers in Time Machine, as you can run your strategy by multiple markets in minutes, and the data is very cheap.

If you'd like to make any changes to the original trigger description or extend their scope, please make a new trigger request.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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