Author Topic: Trigger for backing every horse [TCKTBHF-297550]  (Read 17324 times)

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Copied from a support request:
We want a trigger that back every hourse with the price between 3 and 12 in a race and the action must start 0.25 minutes before the off (this is easy)
We want for each hourse that met the conditions to back the ammount loss since the last win in the same market...for example
lingfield 14.20 i back 3 horse for a ammount of 52€ I win 256€
kempton 14.30 i back 3 horse for a ammount of 24€ I loss 24€
Lingfield 14.40 i back 2 horse for a ammount of 42€ I loss 42€
WIncanton 14.50 i back 2 horse for a ammount of 65€ I loss 65€

So in the next race there are tre horse that met the conditions
pippo odds 4
pluto odds 7.5
paperino odds 11

We want back each horse that met the condition for recover the previous loss and we want win 20 € for each race that we have lost
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  • Élite
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Re: Trigger for backing every horse [TCKTBHF-297550]
« Reply #1 on: 03 Dec 2013, 12:29 »
when you say market.
do you mean horse racing market,greyhound market,soccer market, or do you mean lingfield,kempton and wincanton with seperate loss amounts.

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Re: Trigger for backing every horse [TCKTBHF-297550]
« Reply #2 on: 04 Dec 2013, 11:32 »
i want bet recovering the loss only in the same market where i have bet...when i write lingfield...wincanton...ecc..all this market are win market of horse race...i have done a trigger but this trigger take all the loss of every market...i wish divide to can use this trigger in all market that i want but separeted

Scuse me for english

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Re: Trigger for backing every horse [TCKTBHF-297550]
« Reply #3 on: 04 Dec 2013, 11:33 »

  • Élite
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Re: Trigger for backing every horse [TCKTBHF-297550]
« Reply #4 on: 04 Dec 2013, 12:42 »
you want to recover the loss for lingfield races, only in lingfield, not wincanton or kempton.
then any loss in kempton to recover only in kemton races.

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Re: Trigger for backing every horse [TCKTBHF-297550]
« Reply #5 on: 05 Dec 2013, 16:21 »
no i want recover the loss in all race that met the kempton, in lingfield ecc...
i wish a trigger that work in diffrent way...if it's no possible at least in a one way...
If i have settled different option of bet i wish recover the loss of this set.


i want bet any horse between 4 and 8, minutes before the off 0.25, win market, and i want win 20 pounds for each race where there is  horses that met the conditon
first race "wincanton" 3 horse met the condition (for determinate the bet for each horse perhaps we need a matrix inverse but if it's impossible use a matrix inverse we can use a sistem that is near to have 20 pounds)
ok the odds
tathaboy 4.2
little big man 5.5
Black Vale 7.8
to win 20 ponuds i must bet
tathaboy  10.54  @4.2
little big man 8.05  @5.5
Black Vale 5.67  @7.8  TOT=24.26 i lose (i have used a matrix inverse to determinate the size for each horse if it isn't possible i could bet for each horse to win 20 pounds and then recover the 3 bet with another bet for each horse...i kwon that it'isn't very precise)

ok second race "lingfield" 4 horse met the condition
i have loose 24.26, i want win 40 pounds (20 pounds for each race)
now i must win 64.26

the odds

treehorse 6
wintable 6
Red mastin 6.6
Masterchef 7.2

The size

treehorse       28.46  @6
wintable         28.46  @6
Red mastin     25.88  @6.6
Masterchef     23.72  @7.2 i lose 106.52

third race "wolwerhampon"

the is one horse tha met condition i must win
first lose 24.26 second lose 106.52 + 60 ponuds (20 for aech race)
TOT 190.78

The only horse is big foot odds @5 i bet 47.69 i win 190.76

in the same moment i have bet other market (greyhound) i want that the recover is only for win market horse and not other market

 i'd like use other range for example  every horse between 8.1 and 15 and i wish bet in the same race of the range that i have wrote before but for for each range, there must be his recovery, they must be have wrote if i want that the recover only for kempton, and then only for lingfield...this is interesting...this is another way...

Thanks a lot and scuse my engllish

  • Élite
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Re: Trigger for backing every horse [TCKTBHF-297550]
« Reply #6 on: 05 Dec 2013, 16:40 »
ok, i understand now.
you want to recover the losses from horse meetings only.
you want to be able to set a minimum and maximum price for the selections.
and to be able to set the time to place the bets.
you want to win 20.00 per race
and recover any loss plus the 20.00 per race
then when recovered start at 20.00 per race again.

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Re: Trigger for backing every horse [TCKTBHF-297550]
« Reply #7 on: 05 Dec 2013, 17:03 »
ok it is right,
 but is it possible to work with different set of conditions and for each set of contions, his recover???
Which set is not important, may the odds or else the number of starters or the place of the race....

  • Élite
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Re: Trigger for backing every horse [TCKTBHF-297550]
« Reply #8 on: 06 Dec 2013, 07:10 »
here is your trigger
in the constants you can set
the amount to win per race
minimum back price
maximum back price
time to place the bets
maximum number of runners/selections

the trigger will place bets on any number of selections that meet the conditions.
so the number of bets could be from 1 to any number
the win amount will be to what you set and if a loss the next bet will be for the loss plus the amount to win for the lost race plus the amount to win for this race.

please use test mode until you are happy with your settings


download the trigger below
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Re: Trigger for backing every horse [TCKTBHF-297550]
« Reply #9 on: 06 Dec 2013, 09:33 »
Thank you...
i try it and i can to understand...

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Re: Trigger for backing every horse [TCKTBHF-297550]
« Reply #10 on: 06 Dec 2013, 09:43 »
is it possible to work with different set of conditions and for each set of contions, his recover???
is it possible to have a trigger that work horse between 4 and 7, minutes before the off 0.25, runners<10...and in the same time work horse between 7.1 and 15, minutes before the off 0.25, runners <10 and the recoveries for each set of conditions??

  • Élite
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Re: Trigger for backing every horse [TCKTBHF-297550]
« Reply #11 on: 06 Dec 2013, 09:55 »
you can have different sets of prices and times.
BUT, the recovery would be from all the losses.

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Re: Trigger for backing every horse [TCKTBHF-297550]
« Reply #12 on: 06 Dec 2013, 10:07 »
or is it possible that 2 triggers work in the same moment??

  • Élite
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Re: Trigger for backing every horse [TCKTBHF-297550]
« Reply #13 on: 06 Dec 2013, 10:35 »
you can have as many triggers working at the same time as you want.
but if you are testing, then it would be better to have 2 profiles, and set each profile to bet on the prices that you want.
make sure that you set the request limit in each profile to 10 , in the connection monitor at the top right of your bot screen.

Please read the following  disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: Trigger for backing every horse [TCKTBHF-297550]
« Reply #14 on: 06 Dec 2013, 10:39 »
i've seen the trigger and i've understood...i've done a similar trigger...but i didn't kwon that for hourse market there is hr_last_lost and hr_losses...
In this trigger i've understood that is not possible work with two way of this always impossible??
Scuse me but for me is the first time...i could learn...


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