Author Topic: Trigger for horse races  (Read 4941 times)

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Trigger for horse races
« on: 11 May 2021, 19:27 »

Please make me a trigger for horse races

- minute before the off to place bets (ex. 0.5 minute)
- minimum pre off winning percent (ex. 20% is the desired winnings from back dutching)
- minimum in play winning percent (ex. 10%)
- selection percent for back dutching (ex. I want to obtain 20% winnings from back dutching 60% from the total number of selections) If this is not possible skip the race.
- percent of bank used for staking (ex. 1%)
- percent of increase of initial bank when stop betting (ex. 2.5%)
- percent of decrease of initial bank when stop betting (ex. -5%)

The trigger will back dutch the selection percent of runners with greatest change of traded volumes  before the off. (ex. back dutching 60% of runners for at least 20% winnings) I want to back dutch the selections that had the greatest change in matched volume (like in the trigger back-max-volume-increase.mft ) So, if there are 13 runners I want to back dutch 60% of them (7 horses) that had the most increase in matched volumes in the last 11 minutes.
At In play trade out if it is possible to have minimum set winning percent (ex. trade out for at least 10% winnings of the initial stake)

The trigger is a combination between back-max-volume-increase.mft and 07_04_2021_Nelson59.mft

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Re: Trigger for horse races
« Reply #1 on: 12 May 2021, 07:32 »
- selection percent for back dutching => I want to be half of the runners + 1 (ex. 8 runners, back dutch 8/2 +1 = 5 selections, 12 runners : 7 selections etc.)
- don't bet on races with less than 5 runners (parameter)
- don't bet on races with more than 13 runners (parameter)

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Re: Trigger for horse races
« Reply #2 on: 12 May 2021, 07:40 »
And I don't want to happen those in the attached pictures. Only one lay bet was "accepted" and result is bet lost.

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Re: Trigger for horse races
« Reply #3 on: 12 May 2021, 09:16 »
Bellow settings

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Re: Trigger for horse races
« Reply #4 on: 26 May 2021, 20:23 »

Please see your updated triggers attached. Use the new constants to adjust the target profit and maximum loss, as well as other trigger settings.
Unqualifying markets will be deleted automatically.

You will need to start refreshing markets at at least mins1 minutes before the off (mins1 is a constant).

And I don't want to happen those in the attached pictures. Only one lay bet was "accepted" and result is bet lost.

Oh yes, wouldn't we all want our bets to be always matched? However, this cannot be guaranteed, especially at In-Play. So the only thing I can suggest is match any unmatched bets at the best price available if any remain after the green-up trigger (see the trigger called matching unmatched lay bets).
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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