Author Topic: [TR] TRIGGER LAY FAVORITO  (Read 4884 times)

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« on: 14 Aug 2017, 14:07 »
Bom dia, Gostaria de uma trigger LAY FAVORITO NO FUTEBOL com plano de recuperação( martingale).

Com as seguintes constantes:

* Odd minima e Odd máxima para entrar;
* Liquidez minima para entrar
* Entrar com porcentagem da banca definida numa constante ( entrar sempre com esse percentual na banca atual).

Good morning, I would like a LAY FAVORITE IN FOOTBALL trigger with recovery plan (martingale).

As follows:

* Odd minimum and Odd maximum to enter;
* Minimum liquidity to enter
* Enter with percentage of the bank set in constant (always enter this percentage in the current bank).

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« Reply #1 on: 23 Aug 2017, 17:05 »

Please see your triggers attached.

Use the constants to adjust the price range of the bet and its size, as well as other parameters.

Turn OFF "Delete finished/settled events automatically" (if it is ON).

Make sure you have tested the triggers in Test Mode.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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« Reply #2 on: 27 Sep 2018, 21:48 »
Bom dia, Gostaria de uma trigger LAY FAVORITO NO FUTEBOL com plano de recuperação( martingale).

Com as seguintes constantes:

* Odd minima e Odd máxima para entrar;
* Liquidez minima para entrar
* Entrar com porcentagem da banca definida numa constante ( entrar sempre com esse percentual na banca atual).

Good morning, I would like a LAY FAVORITE IN FOOTBALL trigger with recovery plan (martingale).

As follows:

* Odd minimum and Odd maximum to enter;
* Minimum liquidity to enter
* Enter with percentage of the bank set in constant (always enter this percentage in the current bank).
Fala amigo,

Conseguiu consistências com essa trigger?


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