Author Topic: My bot/triggered betting didin´t use it´s "recovery" today  (Read 6947 times)

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Hi all - 

I bet on racing - lay markets using a .txt file with the selections.

Today and yesterday my bot/triggers didin´t use it´s recovery program. After a Red/Loss, it simply kept doing normal bets with the normal stake, while it was supposed to recover the loss in 3 stage recovery by betting more on the next 3 races. 

I´ve been using your software for a month and a week now - just paid my first 3 months! Yay! - and this is the first time this happens. That´s the most weird part for me... I´ve attached a print screen of the triggers.

What could be causing it? How I make it stop? 

Thank you so much!

Best Regards,


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Hi pedro,

Just a little help not sure it will work but close down mfpro and restart your PC, if its only happened once out of X weeks then this should help.


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Hi Kev,

Thanks for your attention and help!

Unfortunately this happened 2 days in a row, and I shut down my pc every night. Now I uninstalled mfpro, clear the registry, reinstalled it and installed the bot again. Tomorrow it´s going to be the test, but I wanted to check here also because it may not be it and I don´t want to "miss" another day.

Thanks again!!!

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Same problem today. I'm shutting everything down :(

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Impossible for anyone to help without seeing your trigger logs and triggers.

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Do you mean the hidden contents or my betting log? I can uptade the bet log and that image in the original post has the triggers

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Make sure that you do not delete finished/settled markets.

Make sure that you do not reload the triggers in between the bets.

If this does not help, ask for support from the person who developed the triggers for you: they should be able to provide the necessary trigger logs outlining why the recovery is not working. 

Restarting/shutting down won't help, it's a matter of logic in the triggers.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Thank you so much, Oxa.

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Make sure that you do not delete finished/settled markets.

Make sure that you do not reload the triggers in between the bets.

If this does not help, ask for support from the person who developed the triggers for you: they should be able to provide the necessary trigger logs outlining why the recovery is not working.

Restarting/shutting down won't help, it's a matter of logic in the triggers.
I´m in a hard spot now. I´ve contacted my triggers provider and he told me a few things that makes sense: I´m assuming this is a trigger problem, but it may not be the case - I´ve been using it for weeks now and suddenly, a few days ago, it started having this issue. A crazy coincidence is that it was on the same day that my trial month ended at mfpro and I paid for the first 3 months. (My provider doesn´t know that - or didin´t know until now at least) but let´s do some checks: 

- It suddenly started doing this. I didin´t installed a new version of the triggers and I didin´t changed any configuration.
- My provider says he delivered the same exact triggers for more than 8 people this week and I´m the only one having this issue. He´s really trying to help me and even opened a ticket with you guys. 
He told me to try a few things, and I would love to not go there but I guess I´ll have to try it.
- change mfpro to portuguese (same language of the triggers)
- use a vps (this one he swears it solves a lot of crazy problems but can´t explain how or why) - I´ve tried it before from AWS free but it´s soooooo slow... its crazy slow. seriously.
- format my pc - Ok. I have a 970evo and that would take me 1 hour max for the whole process, but geez - I don´t want to do it.
please give me some ideas, thoughts, smoke signs... any kind of help is really appreciated
thank you so much in advance.

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Do you have access to another PC that you could install it on?
I use a VPS myself and never had any problems with a trigger running correctly.  It runs Time Machine much better then my laptop.
Some VPS providers offer a free or very low cost trial period.

If you download the latest Windows 10 update  as an .iso file, you can copy it to a USB drive and boot from it, when you will have the option of reinstalling Widows without affecting installed applications and files.

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Also are you running MFPro as administrator?

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You might not have to wipe. You can download the portuguese version of Mfpro to a different folder ( C: ), open it and run it as administrator.

newbielink: [nonactive]


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