Author Topic: Trigger library - Repetitive bet until matched - nothing is excuting.......  (Read 5671 times)

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  • Posts: 31

I read the XML file from the Trigger library/Miscellaneous called Fill or Kill or ways to ensure a bet is matched. Looked like the coding was from an earlier version but I derived the instructions and modified it slightly for my own needs - Initial Lay, Cancel & Lay if Last Bet unmatched after 30 secs, repeat until partcular Total Matched qty is achieved.

My problem is that nothing is executing, can you detect any problem in these instructions ??? I have update Bets at 1 sec and Refresh at 2.5 but its strange that not even the initial Bet is executing.
(note : the horses from my list are being highlighted/bold so thats not the problem).

Block 1( Initial Lay Bet):
Lay $25 @ back_price 
Repeat no more often than 1 secs
Executed once for each selection on All Matching Selections
Conditions : Selections name is in file, Markets minutes before off <=8 and Selections Back_Price <=6

Block 2 (Setting User Variable for 30 Secs since Last Bet):
Set User Variable, repeat no more often than 1 secs
Name: time_sec
Value = 30
Executed once per Market
Conditions : Markets Minutes before off <=7.8

Block 3 (Cancel and Lay if 30 secs have transpired and last bet is unmatched)
Cancel then Lay $25 @ Back_Price, repeat no more often than 1 secs
Conditions : Selections name is in file, Markets minutes before off <=7.8 and Selections Back_Price <=6, Selection Lay Matched <50, Selections Trigger Expression time_sec <= (now-time-bu_ laytime)/0.0000157

Taken me a month to learn from reading articles and finally understand the XML if someone could put me out of my misery and help me solve this problem I would be very very greateful.

Many thanks,

  • Moderator
  • Posts: 3649
Do you have sufficient test funds?
Are the trigger bulbs green?
In Test Mode if you manually place the lay bet, do triggers 2 and 3 fire?
Your lay trigger executes once per selection AND no more often than x. It can only be one or the other?
The trigger log should tell you everything that is happening, or not. Have you inspected it?
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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  • Posts: 31
Thanks for the reply.

Worked it out (my selections list was in the wrong format) but there's one problem.

A third $25 Lay bet is sneaking out despite my condition saying only cancel & lay if Lay matched <$50. Note: I have Refresh Rate as 4 secs and Update Bets List as 1 secs. My Trigger Blocks are listed above in my first post.

I changed the repeat rate of the Cxl & Lay trigger to no more often than 5 secs (so that it should only be checking after Bets list has updated etc. ) but the third $25 lay bet for that selection is still being submitted seemingly at the same time as the 2nd $25 bet is matched (at which time my total desired $50 lay atched is achieved).

What can I do to make sure this 3rd $25 bet doesn't sneak out after the 2nd $25 amount is matched for the matching selection?

Thanks a lot if anyone can help.

Kind regards,

  • Moderator
  • Posts: 3649
Market's number of unmatched lay bets is less than 2
Markets number of matched lay bets is less than 2

perhaps also research "duplicate bet" on this forum where there is plenty of discussion on the subject along with assorted solutions.
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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  • Posts: 31
Thanks for the advice Mark.

With regards to the original Nothing is executing problem - problem solved - I shouldn't have Selections list without comma's in between each Horse Name. And I had it loaded via the Auto-Trading importation anyway.

After reading all the posts I could (and I noticed that Don't Bet In Actions option doesn't exist anymore), I've re-structured my Block to have separate cancel and lay trigger with the lay trigger dependent on the previous trigger (using No of Runs per selection test), but still dupe bet is snaeaking out. I am going to post a new strand about my problem. The main condition is that it shouldn't be sending out a lay bet if the Lay Matched on that selection is =>$50. Ultimately I am going to write a formula to vary the amount I submit - it wont always be $25, but the the Total Matched will always seek to be $50.

My understanding of Block and trigger inxss and interactions is improving thanks to the interactions with other on the forum so I want to thank you once again.


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